on 5th Feb,we arrived in Rome (Roma-Ciampino Airport) at 12.45pm...i was so excited like my dreams had come true...yaa..\(^o^)/...i juz slept all the way to Rome coz i was so tired...nk kumpul tenaga utk jalan kat Rome...huhu...mase kat airport,everything ok n urusan visa pun senang n yg paling best skali ade di kalangan kitorg yg passportnye x dicop...ehmm...punye la senang nk msk Italy...hehe...
after that,kitorg naik bas pegi center n mase on the way tu,kitorg cam excited giler...ye la,at least dpt gak la lupe kejap insiden kat Romania tu....pastu bila dah smpai kat bus terminal,firstly kitorg kene cari hostel dulu coz msg2 x solat lg...kitorg nye hostel "Aladino Hostel" terletak kat "via Napoleon 3"...mula2 nk cari agak susah gak coz xde signboard utk hostel ni...for me,Aladino Hostel ni sgt ok n besa lak tu...org yg sewakan ni adalah org filipino...
then,after we performed solat,we went to eat nasi beriani at indian muslim restaurant...hahaha...ntah pape je,ade ke mkn nasi beriani kat Rome...tp mase tu sume org dah lapar n restoran ni dkt je ngan hostel...ehmm...pe lg...serbu je la...tp nasi beriani diorg sgt sedap but the rice was so much n i couldn't finish it n pe lg,sape yg kat sebelah la yg jadi mangsa...hihi..
lps mkn,kitorg naik metro ke Barberini...bile dah smpai sane,kitorg jalan kaki ke Fontana di Trevi...mmg nk pegi sgt tempat ni...bestnye...igt lagi dulu bile tgk movie "Lizzie McGuire The Movie"...punya la berangan nk pegi sini...akhirnya,tercapai jugak hajat...n before kitorg pegi trip,i think everyday i listened to Lizzie McGuire's song "Hey Now",lagu yg Lizzie nyanyi kat konsert at the end of the movie...hahaha...
bile dah smpai Fontana di Trevi ni,pe lg...bergambar sakan la...klik sane,klik sini...model hot la katekan....hihihi...tp fountain mmg cantik...Fontana di Trevi ni dibina pada thn 1735 oleh arkitek Salvi di zaman Clement XII n decoration was made by several artists of Bernini's school...kalo ikutkan hikayat Fontana di Trevi ni,whoever drinks it or throws a coin into the fountain,assures his return to Rome......ehmm...xtau la betul ke x...
sitting from left : muiz,azza,chep,iqbal
then,mase nk balik tu,tiba2 dtg tourists dari Germany kat kitorg n diorg kate we all (Girls) are beautiful...hahaha..pe lg,jeles la si jejaka2 yg perasan hensem dlm group kitorg coz xde sape yg kate diorg hensem...ingatkan nape la diorg dtg kat kitorg,rupe2nye diorg nk amik gamba skali...ehmm..HOT x kitorg?!!!
on the way back,kitorg singgah beli souvenir...i juz bought T-shirts for my family n some keychains...yg lain de yg beli caps n sweater...
after that,we went back to the hostel to have some sleepppppsssss.........
to be continued....................................