here are some notes bout the trip:
- 2 Feb : Simferopol - Kiev
- 3 Feb : Kiev - Bucharest
- 5 Feb : Bucharest - Rome
- 7 Feb : Rome - Pisa
- 7 Feb : Pisa - Florence
- 8 Feb : Florence - Venice
- 9 Feb : Venice - Milan
- 9 Feb : Milan - Budapest
- 10 Feb : Budapest - Kiev
- 12 Feb : Kiev - Simferopol
- 13 Feb : back to normal life......
From here (Simferopol) around 8pm,we went to Kiev(Capital city of Ukraine) by train which took bout 16 hours journey...that night in the train,we juz had a sleep n some talks n the scenery along the journey wasn't that good coz it's been winter season that we juz could see a long snowy white land...hahahha...tomorrow morning around 11.30am,we arrived in Kiev...there we went to McD to have a lunch n kitorg juz rehat sambil menunggu the next train to Bucharest,Romania...
Train station,Kiev
then around 2.30pm,we continued our journey to Bucharest which took bout 28 hours by train...what a long journey...we juz had some talks n playing cards...that's it...but then,we met a cute baby girl n we played with her...rase boring gak kekadang tu coz train lame sgt...huhuu...kitorg smpai border around 8am the next morning n Alhamdulillah,xde pe2 yg berlaku kat border coz sebelum tu,cam risau gak coz org2 kat sini salunye byk songeh especially org Eastern Europe ni...
we arrived in Bucharest around 7pm...
ehmmm...mase tu dah malam n kedai2 pun dah tutup so kitorg juz pegi ke Baneasa Airport utk tido...huhuhu...jimat cost la katekan...kitorg tido atas kerusi je...the next morning,we went to the center juz bout 2 hours coz at 9.30am,we must went back to the airport to check in...this city was ok la..i didn't like their people coz diorg akan pandang semacam je kat foreigners...ntah pape insiden yg x dpt dilupakan adalah waktu kitorg kene saman dlm bas on the way back to the airport...kitorg kene saman sebab tiket bas...that guy kate kitorg nyer tiket x valid...die kate tiket kitorg hanya utk 1 way je...kitorg bgtau la yg kitorg dah mintak tiket 2 ways kat kounter...org2 Romania ni pun satu hal,sume buta English...xtau la org kaunter to bg tiket brape yg menyaman ni mula2 mintak byk jugak tp lps kitorg argue,die cut ckit...lupe la brape yg kitorg kene bayar...rasenye org2 ni mmg dah pakat ngan pemandu bas coz diorg hanya tersenyum sesama sendiri...ehmm...tu mmg pengalaman yg xleh dilupakan..kitorg sume cakap "this is the first n the last we're here"........i think i'm not goin' to this country again...
ok,back to the airport,we checked in n tunggu kat boarding gate...mase tgh tunggu tu la kitorg sempat beli ckit Romanian souvenir kat kedai tax free...ok la kot... at 11.45am,we departed to Rome,Italy by Wizz Air...i juz slept all the way to Rome...around 12.45pm,we arrived in Rome...i juz told myself "Hey Rome,here i come"...hahaha...
to be continued...................v(^_^)v.......
2 smile at me ^_^:
wowww,bestnya dapat jalan-jalan kat europe..bila nak sampai ni ???
loveujordan, giler dpt jgn jeles ek...hihihihi..
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