2moro will be the race n i hope team Ferrari leh menang....yeah..(^_^)
Goodbye Rome,we'll miss u...(T_T)....
perjalanan ke pisa mengambil masa lebh kurang 4 jam n kitorg mmg xtau nk wat pe la dlm train tu...tp ade yg amik kesempatan utk tido coz mlm sebelumnya msg2 x cukup tido..ye la,sume kene bgn kul 4 pagi utk bersiap....
Sesampai je kat
Dari train station
mase amik gamba ni la terpesan Anna tak de
Anna mmg dari pagi mengadu sakit perut coz mlm sebelumnya si Iqbal buat la hot chocolate utk die tp yg paling best, si Iqbal ni bkn guna air panas yg dimasak tp die guna ait panas direct dari paip….so,kirenye si Anna ni keracunan makanan la…so,mase dlm bas,Anna je yg duk kat depan n rasenye mase kitorg turun,die x perasan tp nasib baik la die terperasan yg kitorg dah xde dlm bas x jauh dari menara Pisa so,cepat2 la die suruh pemandu bas tu berenti…Alhamdulillah x jadi pe2 ngan die…..
balik semula ke kisah Pisah Tower…dah jumpe Anna,hati pun dah senang n ape lagi….jadi model gambar utk Pisa Tower la…hehehe…v(^o^)v
yeah...kick it...!!!...(dlm hati "lenguhnye kaki aku...")
lepas tendang,tolak la balik Pisa ke kedudukan asal....hihi
berteduh elak kene hujan....
kitorg x naik pun Pisa Tower coz dah pokaiiiii……….tapi xpe,kat luar pun jadi la amik gamba...yg penting dah jejak bumi Pisa ni...hihihi...
Next destination...............FLORENCE....
To Be Continued...........v(^o^)v
The Roman Forum was the central area around which ancient Rome developed, in which commerce and the administration of justice took place. The communal hearth was also located here. It was built on the site of a past cemetery.
Sequences of remains of paving show that sediment eroded from the surrounding hills was already raising the level of the forum in early Republican times. Originally it had been marshy with the Cloaca Maxima. Its final travertine. ground, which was drained by the Tarquins paving, still visible, dates from the reign of Augustus.
-From Wikipedia-
The monument is built of pure white marble and features majestic stairways, tall Corinthian Columns, fountains, a huge equestrian sculpture of Victor Emmanuel and two statues of goddess Victoria riding on quadrigas.
Monument of Victor Emmanuel II ni sememangnya sangat cantik n nmpak cam gagah je...