kali ni nk sambung balik cite pasal trip ke Romania,Italy n Hungary mase bln FEB 07...baru ni x sempat coz tgh eXam...skang ni dah cuti so,leh smbung citer....hihi....
on 6th Feb...............
lps breakfast,kitorg bertolak ke Vatican City...actually memula kitorg x terfikir pun nk pegi Vatican City tp mase kat U,kitorg de bgtau lecturer biochem yg kitorg nk pegi Italy..pastu die mintak kitorg carikan buku utk die kat Vatican City pasal Sistine Chapel coz die tgh tulis buku pasal Sistine Chapel tu...die hanya nk satu lukisan je...
ape die Sistine Chapel ni?!!
The Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512, is one of the most renowned artworks of the High Renaissance. The ceiling is that of the large Sistine Chapel built within the Vatican by Pope Sixtus IV, begun in 1477 and finished by 1480.
-from Wikipedia-
to be continued....................v(^o^)v

0 smile at me ^_^:
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