
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

.:| alhamdulillah |:.

alhamdulillah lepas jugak akhirnya walaupun ade sedikit rase tak puas hati tapi nak buat camner,rezeki takat tu je...lepas ni pun dah kira bersyukur sangat....abis je exam obstetrisc ni bermakna tinggal satu je lagi cycle untuk sem ni iaitu cycle ENT..katenye cycle yang terskhir ni tak susah mane sangat...hope everything will be ok...

uhhh....tak sabarnye nak tunggu 14 januari....kenape yer?!! sebab winter holiday bermula pada tarikh tersebut....tak sabarnye nak gi mane yer?!! biarlah rahsia...hehehehehe....

ok la...pasni nak pegi supermarket METRO time...but actually i have nothing to buy...just nak jalan2 je...lapangkan fikiran after berpulun study....i am happy afterall...

Monday, December 29, 2008

.:| maal hijrah | snow | exam |:.

SALAM MAAL HIJRAH 1430 buat semua umat islam...banyak peristiwa yang berlaku tatkala 1 muharam menjelma seperti kezaliman tentera israel ke atas penduduk palestin, snow di bumi simferopol dan juga exam yang bakal menjelma...uhh..

Rase terkejut dan sedih jugak bila mendengar tentang kekejaman tentera israel ke atas penduduk palestin..terfikir sejenak bila la peperangan yang memakan mase bertahun lamenye ni akan berakhir dan bumi palestin akan kembali aman dan tenteram..semoga tentera israel yang kejam itu dilaknat dan menerima hukuman yang setimpalnya..ehmm..

Actually snow dah turun kat bumi simferopol ni sejak beberapa hari yang lalu tapi takde la tebal mane lagi n sekarang ni kat luar hari2 suhu mencecah di bawah paras beku..seawal pagi tadi on the ke hospital,suhu mencecah -7 celcius..grrr..sejukkk..snow tak turun arini..hanya tinggal saki baki snow je kat luar tu..prediction katenye esok akan turun snow lagi..yeah..I LOVE SNOW VERY MUCH..right now i'm still waiting for the heaviest and the thickest snow so that i can :
- build a CUTE and HANDSOME MR. SNOWMAN :p
- throw SNOWBALLS to each other...ouch :(
- GULING2 on the snow..hehe

pe2 pun,terpakse dilupakan dulu sume tu buat sementara waktu coz esok ade exam n i need to study as much as i can..harap sangat mood examiner ok esok n semua orang pun pass..memang banyak nak kene cover dalam mase yang singkat..i just buat ape yang termampu n yang lain tu berserah padaNya je..pray for me..

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

.:: surgery :: obstetrics ::. surgery exam was ok eventhough it was a bit harder than i expected..our examiner on that day was a good looking guy n we especially the girls were always talking about him n we told to each other "hopefully he will become our teacher next year.."..haha..but a handsome guy didn't mean anything..once we thought everything will be ok when we knew that he was our examiner but everything was vice versa..he started asking us about the topics we didn't study yet n i think he was a bit psycho on that day..uhh..luckily everyone passed..after that,we the girls told to each other "hopefully we won't get him as our teacher next year.."

now i've already started my obstetrics cycle..the 2nd last cycle for this semester..this is the most hectic n the hardest cycle ever..we will have our obstetric exam on tuesday..hopefully everyone will pass the exam...

That's it for now..can't wait for winter holiday..i'm very tired afterall..

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

.:| raye+korban | bisnes | exam |:.

Dah lame tak update coz lately cam busy sikit..How was my hari raya here?! Secara jujurnya,i tak rase cam raya pun..i feel like it was a bit different this more think rasenye sebab tak dapat cuti kot..perasaan nak raya tu cam terkubur ckit bile dapat tau tak dapat cuti walaupun hakikatnye kitorg ponteng beramai-ramai..wink wink..hehe..yeah..that's right..ari isnin ari raye ari ponteng beramai2..haha..

alhamdulillah ade jugak wat korban kat sini..banyak jugak..if i'm not mistaken,4 ekor lembu n 16 ekor kambing...daging korban dibahagikan kepada pelajar2 msia n masyarakat tempatan kat sini..i forgot either to tell my family or to write the entry about this before..hope next year akan dianjurkan lagi program korban ni..ehmm..

Ok..abis citer pasal nak masuk kisah lain pulak..haa..ari ahad baru ni i did some business..yeah..disebabkan ade kelapangan n desakan dari rakan2 terdekat,i pun buatlah bisnes ni..dah lame dah plan tapi baru ni baru dapat direalisasikan..huhu..bisnes ape ek yang i buat?! jeng...jeng...jeng..i buat bisnes eggtart..i jual 1 set (3 biji)..sume sekali i dapat order 86 set..fuh..luckily it wasn't that hard for me but it took about 10 hours to finish it..uhh..i was very happy afterall..siap ade yang bertanye bile nak buat eggtart lagi n i kate next year pulak..hehe..

I'm having a surgery exam this friday..pray for me..

Sunday, December 07, 2008

.:| i feel great |:.

Malam tadi ade potluck party untuk group i..the hosts are ashok n loga..kitorg sengaja pilih bilik diorg sebab...jeng..jeng..jeng..i think let it be a secret..otherwise they will kill me..hehe..

Actually kitorg dah lame plan party ni n sume kene cabut undi untuk task masing2..adil dan saksama gitu..hehe..hasil undian...

1. Sofie - ayam masak merah
(i love this task coz i like this kind of was an easy task for me..hehe..)

2. Ganesh - nasi tomato
(i taught him how to make this main dish..not difficult,right?! Lepas ni boleh la masak nasi tomato lagi yer..hehehe..)

3. Eisa - acar
(credit to me for teaching him..ngeh3..=P)

4. Wani - dalca kambing
(it was a very nice dalca..others said takde bau kambing but my nose could smell it..i think i ain't the kambing eater afterall..uhh..)

5. Arshad - sotong goreng celup tepung
(first time arshad wat sotong goreng celup tepung ni...best2..p/s - len kali bole buat lagi..maybe dah tak geli pasni..=P)

6. Loga - makaroni bakar
(first time he did to wani for teaching him..)

7. Sinthu - fruits cocktail
(she's good at making them..)

8. Shalini - kek coklat
(her first ever chocolate cake n it turned out very nice..)

9. Ashok - lemonade n mcflurry aiskrim
(i think this was one of the easiest task..lucky ashok..ehmm..)

there was no theme n dress code last night n surely everyone was happy with it,right?! n guess what i wore last night?! I pakai skirt kembang kaler hitam n baju kaler putih n merah..kalo tak silap rasenye ni first time i pakai skirt untuk class party,isn't it?! hehe..but i think i dah rosakkan imej si pemakai skirt..ngeh3..mane tak je pakai kain tapi duduk or jalan still gaya si pemakai seluar...tak ayu langsung..haha..
ala2 princess...hehe...
the control macho boys...
eisa,arshad,loga,ashok n ganesh
the hot n spicy girls...
wani,shalini,sofie n sinthu

Last night was very happening..after eating,loga played his guitar n he's really at it..loga mainkan lagu "more than words", "hero", "kau ilhamku" n other sangat..cuma takde unggun api je kat tengah2...

Then we played a game called "police n thief"..pencuri kene kenyitkan sebelah mata untuk bunuh penduduk n polis kene teka sape pencuri tu..kalo pencuri terkenyit kat polis,abis la pencuri was fun..hihi

other than that,we also played a game called "teka tajuk movie"..sorang kene bagi clue tanpa bercakap,means ngan gaya je n yang lain kene teka ape tajuk movie tu...huhu

I really had a good time last night..thanks to my classmates for a great n an enjoyable potluck party...


Saturday, December 06, 2008

.:| what a tiring n sleepy week |:.

When i woke up this morning, i told myself "finally it's weekend..uhh..what a tiring and sleepy week.." yeah..that's right..for the whole week i was very tired and sleepy and i myself didn't know why..maybe it's because of i'm having a surgery cycle..i had an opportunity to enter the OT but i found out it was very tiring and boring to wait the surgery to be successfully done..i can't imagine how the surgeon can stand and do the operation for a long time..uhh..

Tonight i'll have a group potluck party and i need to cook...(let it be a secret..hehe)

Monday, December 01, 2008

.:| craving for... |:.

Alhamdulillah exam endocrine pagi tadi sumenye ok...esok akan bermula cycle baru iaitu cycle SURGERY...hope everything will be ok...

ehmm...sejak dua tiga arini cam teringin nak makan kuih tapi sampai ke hari ni tak tau nak makan kuih ape..dalam kepala ni macam2 resipi ade tapi tiap satu pun cam mengundang kemalasan n tak kene ngan selera la antara list kuih-muih yang ade dalam kepala..

actually dah lame plan nak buat donut tapi tak buat2..plan nak buat donut inti coklat la,plain donut la tapi sampai sekarang tak buat2..uhh..bile pikir balik semalam,i tak jadi buat donut sebab selera tak ke arah donut lagi..

last skali buat apam balik mase bulan pose aritu..teringin gak nak makan tapi cam leceh la pulak sebab nak kene leperkan tepung satu2,then letak gula,kacang n jagung..ponat den nak nunggu sampai abis..

dah lame jugak tak buat cheesecake..last buat mase bulan 10 aritu time besday wani..tak susah nak buatnye tapi bahan lak tak cukup n tetiba cam rase takde selera nak makan cheesecake..

tak susah jugak nak buat tapi cam malas n tak rase nak makan egg tart pun..maybe lagi 2 minggu i akan wat egg tart...

dalam mase 2 minggu ni i dah 2 kali buat kek batik so cam bosan la pulak..ehmm..

Actually ade lagi resepi yang bermain dalam kepala ni tapi cukup la senaraikan 5,i started thinking n thinking n thinking..again n again n again but i still couldn't find the answer..sedih pun ade..

Yesterday when i woke up still mengidam nak makan kuih tapi still taktau nak buat kuih pe..bile dah camtu tengahari tadi i pun kuar la kejap amik angin..pegi yablaka beli barang ckit..ntah pe yang i beli pun tak tau..time balik tu ingat nak pegi mcd nak makan eskrim tapi tak jadi..i singgah kat city fresh n makan sirniki kat situ..balik bilik still mengidam kuih..ehmm..

Guess what?! I ended up by making pau..i buat pau kacang merah n kaya kastard..dua2 inti tu i buat seniri..dalam malas2 pun,jadi rajin,makan la pau arini..tapi actually bukanlah pau yang diidam-idamkan..i am still craving for....??!! any idea?!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

.:| i'm HappY beCause it's FriDaY... |:.

ohhh...finally it's Friday...i love it because i don't have to wake up early need to get ready for need to walk early in the morning but i might be walking to the gym tomorrow...hihi...that's my routine...not only mine but i think for the whole 4th year students here...we manage to walk to the hospital instead of taking a bus...abis la bankrup syarikat bas lepas ni...hihi...

i slept late last night...i think i slept around 3 am in the moring...all because of endocrine...had to finish the case report (i got a patient with diabetes mellitus type 1), had to do 2 presentations (Turner n Klinefelter syndromes) and had to do an individual work...i had to pass up all of them by today...uhhh....i have an exam for endocrine on monday and that means i need to study during the weekend...oh no...

just now i thought i wanna go out but i had to cancel the plan because i feel a bit dizzy...i think it's because i didn't get enough sleep and rest last night...rase macam nak tido je sekarang tapi i ni jenis tak tido siang unless kalo memang dah tak larat sangat...besenye akan bersengkang mate je sampai ke malam...huhu....

today i wanna cook nasi kerabu for my dinner...dah lame tak makan...aritu untuk 2 ari berturut2 makan sup tulang yang sememangnya tulang sahaja n daging yang sangat ciput...nasib baik la ade kentang...uhhh....

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

.:: exhausted n tagged ::.

today after abis kelas, i went to rinak by walking...sekarang ni pegi kelas pun ari2 jalan kaki...nak jimat la katekan sebab kalo ari2 naik bas memang pokai la n one more thing, tempat2 kat cni takde la jauh sangat..sekadar jalan dalam 30 minit least leh bakar kalori jugak...hihi...

cakap pasal jalan ke rinak tengahari tadi...i was so exhausted after all sampai menitiskan air mata...rase macam dah abis tenaga...seyess...nak naik bas dah lebih half way jalan kaki...bazir je rase...jalan je la pelan2...takde penyakit cari penyakit...besenye ok je kalo jalan tapi sejak 2-3 ari ni rase cam tak berape sihat je...tekak ni rase cam pahit je...makan pun makin sikit...sebab tu kot takde tenaga...ehmm...sampai je rinak terus pegi bantai plov ngan shaslik..nikmat tul rase...lepas tu terus hepi sebab dah ade energy...haha

sekarang ni tengah cycle far ok la...isnin ni exam...nak kene siapkan case report lagi...leceh la pulak case report untuk subjek ni...banyak sangat songelnye...subjek lain nyer case report takde la leceh camni...sabar je la...

aritu kene tagged ngan balqis...ingat tak nak buat tapi sebab dah takde keje, buat je la...sorry ek balqis...lambat ckit...hihi

camni bunyi tagged nyer...
The rules are:

1. Take a screenshot of your desktop without moving/closing any of the windows
2. Tag 5 people!

so, here's my desktop background...cute tak?!! hehe...
i think i don't wanna tag anyone...

ok...nak makan lak...arini sup tulang ngan nasi je...dah banyak sangat tulang2 yang tak dimasak...arini kira membantai tulang je la...jangan lepas ni badan pun tinggal tulang udah ler...hikhik...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

.:| IF ONLY |:.

by someone

If only I could make you see
how much you mean to me
If only I could make you see
how special you make me feel

If only I could make you see
how perfect you are to me
If only I could make you see
how loving you does feel

If only I could make you see
how much you make me smile
If only I could make you see
how much I want you to be mine

If only I could make you see
that my love for you is real
If only I could make you see
that this is like a dream

If only you could make me see
that you are really real
If only you could make me see
that this is not just a dream

If only you could see these things through my eyes and mind
If only you could feel these things through my heart and soul

If All these Ifs may come true
you would finally see
that you're really meant for me
my endless love to be

i've found the poem above in the is really a nice poem...i like the phrase IF ONLY I COULD MAKE YOU SEE n why i like it?!! juz because i.......

bercakap pasal IF ONLY ni, i penah tengok movie IF ONLY...dah 2 kali i tengok citer ni...1st time dulu tak ingat la bile tapi kalo tak silap time 1st or 2nd year..n 2nd time i tengok citer mase bulan lepas...citer ni sangat best n touching...i suke satu lagu dalam citer tu...tajuk lagu tu TAKE MY HEART BACK...n lagu ni jadi lagu untuk blog i sekarang ni...


It'll be alright
You said
Don't you cry
Don't you shed a tear
When you wake up
I will still be here
When you wake up
We'll battle all your fears
And now I'll...

Take my heart back
Leave your pictures on the floor
Steal back my memories
I can't take it anymore
I've cried my eyes out
Oh, and now I face the years
The way you loved me
Vanished all the tears

Just a little more time was all we needed
Just a little time for me to see
Oh, the light that life can give you
Oh, how it could set you free
So now I'll...

Take my heart back
Leave your pictures on the floor
Steal back my memories
I can't take it anymore
I've cried my eyes out
Oh,and now I face the years
The way you loved me
Vanished all the tears

jiwang la pulak....tengah jiwa kacau la katekan...ehmm...nape pulak yer?!! biarlah rahsia...hihi...

petang tadi after zohor i pegi gym lagi...kali ni banyak buat sit-up...abis la..mesti nanti sakit kat bahagian abdomen ni time nak baring n bangun dari katil...ouchhh....

arini tamat la sudah cycle Therapy untuk sem ni...jumpe lagi next sem...n esok cycle baru akan bermula..ENDORINOLOGY pulak...katenye department ni cam psyco ckit tapi pe2 pun terpaksa la hadapi jugak demi mase depan....uhhh...

ok la...nak dinner pulak...lapar...sari suntuk tak arini simple je..ikan goreng, labu masak lemak, sambal, salad n nasi putih...till then..tata...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

.:| My wEeKeNd |:. was a very busy day for me...woke up late in the morning n actually wasn't that late...after taking bath, i went out to the FOXMART coz i wanted to buy something there...guess what i bought?!! a pair of DUMBBELLS for my biceps n triceps...hihi...

balik dari Foxmart, terus solat n bersiap untuk kuar sekali lagi...kali ni ke mane pulak yer?!! haa...petang tadi ade pertandingan bola jaring antara usrah...actually i takde la minat sangat bola jaring ni sebab pergerakan terbatas n i tak pernah main, tadi sempat la mencuba main jugak,siap jadi CENTER lagi time 2nd half...1st half tak main...nak ketawa pun ade time main tu sebab taktau main...haha...

balik dari netball, terus bersiap untuk masak pulak...arini i masak soto n disebabkan terlebih rajin,i buat kek batik sekali...huhu...

esok dah start kelas balik...cycle THERAPY untuk sem ni tinggal dua hari je lagi n rabu ni cycle baru akan bermula n it's gonna be ENDOCRINOLOGY...malam ni nak kene study la jawabnya....uhhh...

semalam mase kat gym ade program ape ntah kat tempat aerobic...tengok iklan yang ditampal kat luar gym tu pasal promotion kelas tarian untuk orang dewasa n ramai jugak golongan wanita yang datang...time tu ade la pulak pertunjukan model2 yang pakaiannye tidaklah begitu senonoh pada pandangan mata kasar...taktau la ape motif diorg berpakaian cam gitu..nak kate untuk pakai time menari rasenye tak sesuai kot...ehm..then ade la pulak tarian gelek arab...kuat jugak diorg pasang lagu arab...abis je tarian gelek,datang balik model2 tu..kali lain pulak pakaiannye tapi still ntah ape2...abis part model,datang la pulak sorang laki black ni..die pakai pakaian ala2 firaun...siap topeng firaun lagi...taktau pertunjukan ape yang die buat kat dalam tempat aerobic tu tapi yang pasti mase die kuar sume pakaian dah takde,hanya tinggal pakaian dalam jer......memang taktau malu langsung...ape la sebenarnye program semalam tuh...pelik pun ade...ehmm...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

.:: kEreNAh ruSsiAN ::.

Pejam celik pejam celik dah pertengahan November rupenye...dah lame tak update blog ni..

Sekarang ni tengah cycle THERAPY,an interesting subject..tapi hanya seminggu je cycle therapy untuk sem ni..n sem ni belaja tentang Respiratory System..agak susah jugak sebab nak kene kaitkan sume teori yang pernah belaja dulu n one more thing banyak benda yang dah blaja dulu dah lupe n nk refresh balik memang susah..ehmm..hope everything will be ok n semoga dipermudah kan semuanya..AMIN..

Ok..berbalik pada tajuk entry,kali ni nk citer ckit pasal kerenah masyarakat tempatan kat cni..i live in the south n most of the populations here are Russian n Tatarian..n Russian2 kt cni adalah pelarian zaman perang time soviet union dulu n they are more into Russia than Ukraine..but Russian n Ukrainian are still the same..huhu..

Ehmm..banyak pulak introduction nak citer tentang kerenah russian yang berlaku kat diri sendiri baru2 ni..

Cerita #1
on the way balik hostel..dah smpai hostel dah mase tu cuma tak sampai bilik lagi..kuar dari lif n berjalan la menuju ke bilik n hostel ni ade 2 parts n yang menjadi penghubung adalah hall kecik kt tengah2 tu..lalu la kat hall tu..kuar je dari hall tu tetibe ade makcik tukang cuci lantai duk marah2 i..tetibe je..n i couldn't understand why..nak kate sebab tapak kasut berbunyi mungkin jugak..nak kate i bejalan kt tempat die baru mop mungkin jugak..taktau yang mane satu tapi yang pasti i buat tak layan je..kalau la i buat salah tegur la elok2,ni tak terus tengking je..geram pun ade..tapi nak wat camner,dah typical russian memang camtu..

Cerita #2
mase kat hospital baru..mase tu tengah rehat n i bawak la bekal spageti goreng n duduk kat kerusi kt luar kelas tu..tengah2 makan tu,datang sorang makcik tukang cuci ni..aiisey..tukang cuci lagi..die halau kitorg n tak bagi makan kat situ..bukan kitorg kotorkan pun..lagipun what's the point letak kerusi kat situ?! geram punye pasal,terus hilang selera..

Kalo nak citer pasal perangai diorg ni memang banyak la tapi cukup la 2 kisah tu dulu..russian memang camtu...EGO,BERLAGAK BAGUS,KASAR,SUKE PANDANG RENDAH KAT ORANG LAIN n macam2 lagi..kalau nak tau camner Russian ni,korang tengoklah movie TRANSSIBERIAN..i myself not yet watch the movie..juz forward2 je n dari situ dah boleh tau filem tu memang berkisar tentang TYPICAL RUSSIAN..maybe malam ni nak tengok citer tu..ingat semalam nak tengok tapi dah tersangkut kt PRISON BREAK la pulak n i memang tengok citer ni since 1st season lagi..berkenan kat MICHAEL SCOFFIELD la katekan..hahaha..

Ok..nak bersiap2 pulak..pasni nk pegi conference pasal ECG..pastu nak pegi gym..tata..have a nice weekend..

Saturday, November 01, 2008

.::it's NoveMbeR...::.

it's already November...wah...kejapnye mase berlalu...terase cam baru je balik dari mesia...tup tup dah 2 bulan kat sini...uhhh...
tapi yang peliknye tahun ni walaupun dah mencecah ke bulan november,cuaca still tak sejuk lagi...besenye kalo tahun2 lepas,time2 sekarang ni mesti dah kene pakai jaket...tapi setakat ni hanya pakai sweater je...kalo kuar pun memang sangat panas ngan matahari yang panas terik sampai tak boleh bukak mate....suhu pun belum mencecah bawah 10 celcius lagi...memang terasa pelik jugak...ehmm...
so..arini ari sabtu...nak buat ape yer?!! still tak tau lagi...bangun pun lambat...tengok la maybe nak kuar kot pasni...juz maybe....huhu

Friday, October 31, 2008

.::pLanniNg foR...::.

semalam i abiskan tengok korean drama sebanyak 17 la first time layan series sejak balik sini...lepas gian la kiranya...n satu lagi mentang2 la sekarang tengah cycle psyco yang malas nak dilayan psyco nyer,tu yang tengok citer tuh...

other than that,i just tengok tenet,survey2 tempat2 menarik kat europe...just plan untuk winter trip tahun mane yer cuti winter kali ni?!! rasenye biarlah rahsia dulu...hihihi...harap2 jadi la trip kali ni...insyaAllah...

actually banyak je nak citer tapi malas la pulak nak menaip...nanti2 je la...

Monday, October 27, 2008

.:: cuti2 ::.

Arini kat sini cuti sempena perayaan deepavali..bile dah cuti tu mula la penyakit malas menyerang..huhu..arini gak besday my rum8 wani yang ke-22..hepi besday..i buatkan cheesecake bentuk love lagi untuk wani..hehe..

Pasni nak kuar jap,jalan2 n window shopping ckit..yeke window shopping?! We'll see..haha..

Arini gak i akan hantar my handphone ke service centre sebab stick kat depan handphone dah patah..disebabkan my handphone is still under warranty so,free je yang best ni tapi yang tak bestnye i terpaksa tinggalkan handphone ni kat service centre tu selama sehari..uwaa..mati kutu la pasni coz sekarang ni i salu online gune handphone je..ehmm..

K..nk kuar dulu..tata..

Saturday, October 25, 2008

.::hari iNi hari SaBTu::.

alhamdulillah abis jugak minggu ni..exam pediatrics aritu still tak tau result nye tapi nampak gaya cam sume orang pun lepas..insyaAllah..dah abis exam pediatrics bermakna tamatlah sudah cycle pediatrics untuk tahun ni n bermulalah cycle psychiatry yang sememangnye agak psyco,bukan setakat pesakit tapi pengajar2
jugak agak boleh tahan psyco nyer..uhh..

So,weekend ni nak buat ape yer?! Still thinking but today most probably i'm going out as usual..hihi..actually kitorg akan cuti sampai isnin because of deepavali..n ari isnin my indian classmates akan buat makan2 untuk kelas kitorg..other than that,one of my classmates asked me to make egg tarts untuk party kes claim punye pasal la coz i dah lame janji nk buatkan egg tart untuk die tapi mase tak mengizinkan..haa..cakap bab makan2 ni,ari raya kat sini still tak abis lagi n ari ni i dapat jemputan open house tu start kul 7 malam..ape la yang akan dihidangkan..can't wait for it..hehe

Sunday, October 19, 2008

.::seKadAr MeNg'uPdaTe'

uhhhhh...dah lame tak update blog ni...bukannye ape...balik kelas dah penat...pastu lak banyak keje nak kene selesaikan...then satu lagi line internet yang ntah ape2...tu yang malas nak update tu....

sekarang ni tengah cycle pediatric...n khamis ni exam pulak...setakat ni dah abis 2 cycles - urology n biostatistics...alhamdulillah sume ok...

walaupun 1 syawal dah lame abis tapi mode hari raya tetap terasa sampai ke hari ini...contohnya macam semalam ade 2 open house..bezanya tahun ni tak banyak sangat open house berbanding tahun2 sebelumnya...

jumaat baru ni i tepon umah...kebetulan ade orang datang umah so,i just cakap ngan mimi je...die citer la yang die berlatih nasyid kat sekolah untuk pesembahan untuk majlis sekolah die nanti...die nyanyi lagu solehah dari drama "anakku bukan anakku"...then i suruh la die nyanyikan ckit lagu tuh...ehmm...bukannye ckit die nyanyi,abis satu lagu tu sudahnye....sambil dengar sambil menahan ketawa...bukannye ape...berape kali duk ulang rangkap yang same...dekat 4 minit gak nak kene tunggu mimi abis nyanyi...sakit telinga pun ade dek suara nyaring mimi....kelakar la mimi ni...pastu i tanye la saiz kasut mimi,die pun gtau la saiz kasut die berape...i takde pun cakap nak belikan die kasut tapi dengan excited nyer mimi cakap kalo nak beli kasut,jangan beli kaler pink coz dah jemu katenye....uik..abis la...nampaknye kene belikan mimi kasut la kali ni...adeh........

haa...i ade mention kan yang sekarang i dah mula pegi gym...n guess what?!! petang jumaat baru ni i join aerobic pulak...penat jugak coz dah bertahun tak buat aerobic...sakit kaki sampai ke arini...tahun ni tahun menjaga kesihatan la kiranye..haha...

arini i duk kat bilik je siapkan jawapan untuk soalan exam pediatric...memula ingat nak kuar tapi tak jadi...malas la pulak...


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

.::SyaWaL iN uKraiNe...::.

1st syawal

firstly at 8 am,we went to sport complex for solat sunat hari raya...then baru la sesi bergambar bermula..hihi...semalam banyak jugak makan...i just masak nasi impit n kuah kacang je...pastu pegi beraya kat bilik kawan2..ade yang masak lontong n ade yang buat rendang n roti jala..memang penat makan je semalam...i was totally full..haha...

2nd syawal
today i had an exam for Urology n it wasn't that bad...kitorg semua pass...alhamdulillah...n today we had another opportunity to watch one more cystoscopy on old lady with hematuria...ehmm...tomorrow we'll start our 2nd cycle - biostatistics...i don't know how it will be because it is a new subject..uhhh...


Gambar2 on the 1st hari raya..


masuk tahun ni sudah kali ke-5 i beraya di bumi Ukraine ni tapi kemeriahan tetap terasa walaupun tanpa family di sisi...sedih tu tetap ade but thanks to my friends yang menjadi penyeri di kala raya menjelma...hope raya tahun ni membawa seribu satu makna dalam hidup ni...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More AIDILFITRI graphics

kat sini arini raya...awal sehari sari malaysia n korea..jangan jeles yer orang mesia n korea...kite raye dulu macam tahun2 sebelumnya...hihi


Saturday, September 27, 2008

.::MenjELaNg haRi rAya...::.

guess what?!! yesterday i've made another cheesecake...this time was marble cheesecake lak...haa...aritu ade yang mintak resepi cheesecake ni kan...actually tak susah sangat nak la resepinya :


base :
150 g biskut marie
100 g butter
1 sudu besar gula

just gaulkan sume bahan ni n tempek2 kan kat atas loyang....

filling :
500 g cream cheese
1 sudu besar esen vanila
6 sudu besar gula
2-3 biji telur

memula pukul telur n gula sampai kembang n then masukkan bahan2 yang lain n gaul sumenye...pastu bakar pada suhu 120-150 celcius selama 30-45 minit...pastu sejukkan n leh la makan...


then semalam after zohor,i kuar beli barang pulak...beli cornflakes n tepung n bahan2 cheesecake...actually semalam plan nak buat almond london tapi bile dah petang tetiba cam teringin nak makan cheesecake,cancel la almond london n buat la cheesecake...hihi...arini kot baru nak buat almond london tuh..

haa...arini dah masuk 27 Ramadhan n bermakna tinggal 3 ari lagi umat islam akan menyambut hari raya aidilfitri...kejap je masa berlalu...

so,menjelang hari raya ni mesti ramai yang dah buat persiapan kuih-muih,baju raya n ade jugak sampai tukar hiasan satu rumah…huhu…tahun ni I takde baju raya,just pakai baju yang dipakai mase kenduri kawen my bro kat mesia aritu..lagipun baru je pakai sekali…so,still nampak baru lagi…


Thursday, September 25, 2008

.::NeW eXperiENce n eXpeRimeNt...::.

this week i've learnt a lot about interesting subject...n thank God i've got a good nice tutor for this subject..he's really good at teaching us n he's nice to his patients...the thing is we study in the policlinic n everyday many patients come to him...n today i watched him doing the cystoscopy to one of his female patient...that lady came to him two days ago n she did complaining that she had hematuria n also a back pain..after she did an x-ray and ultrasound,she was suspected to have a stone in her right ureter...n this cystoscopic procedure is less pain in female than in male...just imagine the big size cystoscope or catheter is inserted to the urinary tract through the small size urethra n while i watched him did those procedures,i myself could feel the pain...ouchhhh....but it was really a good experience i've ever had...

next week during 1st hari raya,i'll have an exam for Urology n that means i've less than a week to prepare for the exam...arghhh...five more days n we'll celebrate hari raya...kuih raya pun tak buat lagi nih...maybe i'll do it by this weekend...sikit2 cukup la kot n this year maybe i tak buat open house...just maybe...mane tau last2 nanti akan buat open house jugak ke seperti tahun2 sebelumnya...hihi...

haa...semalam punye la bosan n i mencuba satu lagi resepi baru...i buat mexican bun...kecik2 n comel2 gitu...hihi...sedapppp...arini ingat nak makan cekodok pisang,teringin la pulak coz dah lame tak makan tapi tak jadi sebab tepung dah abis n malas nak turun bawah pegi beli tepung...esok je la buat cekodok pisang tu...uhhh...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

.::aktiViTi di BulaN rAmaDhaN..::.

rase cam kejap je masa berlalu,sedar tak sedar arini dah masuk ari ke 21 umat islam berpuasa..n jumaat baru ni juga berakhirnya minggu lecture untuk sem ni..3 minggu i terpaksa duduk di atas kerusi selama 7 jam setiap yang i buat time lecture tu yer?! of course la sume student tak boleh nak dengar n salin lec yang sebegitu banyak n ramai yang hanya snap pics je untuk setiap lecture tu n kat bilik baru salin..bile dah camtu,macam2 la aktiviti yang i buat dalam lecture hall tu..


itu kisah lecture..sekarang ni nak citer pasal menu bukak pose since last wednesday..

after balik dari lecture tetiba rasa cam nak makan apam balik..resepi dah dicari kat internet time lecture so,tinggal nak bancuh sume bahan je..rupe-rupenye tak susah nak wat apam balik ni..i bagi kawan2 i ckit apam balik yang i buat 1st try menjadi..hehe

i bukak puasa kat luar..i ajak sume classmates i sekali..kitorg pegi restoran marakan yang memang dah jadi port kitorg kalo kuar makan same..this time i belanje coz i dah lame nazar nak belanje satu kelas kalo i pass,malam tu alhamdulillah tertunai juga nazar yang dah lame tertunggak tu..untuk bukak pose aritu,i makan kotlema po-marakanski se siram,one of my favourite dish there..i ordered kuritra po-marakanski jugak coz i dah lame tak makan makanan ni..banyak jugak i makan aritu coz besenye i order satu dish pun dah kenyang..nafsu..nafsu..haha

i buat soto n i jemput kawan2 datang bukak pose sekali coz every year i memang akan ajak kawan2 bukak pose skali...banyak jugak i masak tapi yang tak bestnye i terlupe amik gamba..

i bukak pose ngan geng usrah lak..kitorg buat potluck..i masak nasi minyak,my rum8 wat acar,yg lain masak ayam masak merah n bubur kacang..n part yang paling besh adelah my naqibah buat 2 kek coklat untuk birthday i,khalilah,k.dayah n akak..walaupun dah lame berlalu birthday masing2 tapi setiap tahun pasti diraikan jugak..dapat la potong kek semalam..hihi..

arini bukak pose ramai2 lagi..kali ni ngan sume group usrah..usrah kene buat pencuci mulut n kitorg akan buat agar-agar sirap je..mudah dan cepat..kitorg makan nasi ngan daging masak merah...selain tu ade kek coklat,tembikai n puding...banyak jugak makanan tadi...sedapppp n mengenyangkan...pastu siang tadi i teringin lak nak makan pau kasang...kebetulan aritu i beli kacang merah so,tadi buat la inti kacang merah tu n pau tu...i buat pau goreng...bosan punyer pasal so,buat kuih la jawabnye...


Esok dah start minggu cycle untuk sem 1st cycle will be UROLOGY n it will finish on 1st october..1st raye..i think most probably we'll have an exam for urology on the 1st hari raya..uwaaa..

Thursday, September 18, 2008

.::aNothEr biRthday::.

today is my sis maya's birthday...

Happy 19th birthday
May Allah always bless u

Monday, September 15, 2008

.::Dad's biRThdAY n chEesECakE n....::.

Today is my dad's 43rd birthday..


...I LOVE U...


Yesterday i made a cheesecake..dah lame tak makan..aritu mase kat mesia mama ade gak suruh wat cheesecake tapi disebabkan tak jumpe bahan2 so,tak jadi la wat..kali ni cheesecake yang paling sedap tau penah i buat..hehe..i sempat la bagi cheesecake tu kat kawan2 kat sini..jangan jeles yer mama,next year kite cuba lagi..haha..


other than that..guess what?! Finally yesterday i've found a pair of new shoes..yeye..hepi sangat..memang banyak yang berkenan tapi tak banyak yang muat ngan kaki ni..nak buat camner,kaki i kecik cam ala2 kaki CINDERELLA tu..hehe..

Sunday, September 14, 2008

.::MaLAs + RAjiN = ?!!::.

Pe pulak citer kali ni yer?! Ehmm..actually nak citer pasal aktiviti pada hari semalam..memandangkan semalam ari sabtu,weekend pulak tu,mula la kaki ni gatal nak merayap..hihi..thank God yesterday wasn't so hot n it was quite windy..nyaman sekali..hihi

yesterday i went to kubicheski rinak to buy chicken..kat sane,tengah2 kat dalam rinak tu,tetibe terfikir pasal menu untuk bukak pose nanti..fikir punye fikir,finally i made a decision to cook a simple n nice food..i cooked spageti with fillet ikan celup tepung,french soup (the instant one..hehe) n added button mushrooms into the soup..quite easy la part malasnye..beli instant french soup n juz tambah air panas n mushroom je..but i used to heat the soup on the stove..actually i dah lame tak makan makanan ni,dulu i penah makan kat restoran kat sini tapi memandangkan sekarang sume dah naik harga,terpaksa la berjimat ckit dengan masak n ubahsuai makanan tu seniri..uhh..

pastu semalam after balik dari rinak,tetiba i rase cam nak makan karipap la pulak..i terus potong kentang n bawang n masak kari kentang yg ditambah ngan kiub ayam..lepas dah sejuk sume,mula la mencanai tepung..i buat mini karipap semalam..comey2 sume macam tuannye jugak..hehe...dapat agak banyak jugak karipap tu sume n i bagi kat kawan2 kat kira part rajin la..

as a conclusion...

today i'm going to cook mee goreng mamak..kebetulan spageti semalam ade lebih lagi..makan cincai je la..n after this,i'm going out again to try my luck searching for new pair of shoes..hopefully i'll find one..

Friday, September 12, 2008


kali ni kene tag ngan adik seniri la pulak...huhu...


1) If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
- at first,of course i'll be angry but after that,i just take it as part of my life..maybe one day i'll find the one that is created for me....

2) If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
- juz like my perform hajj in Mecca n to travel around the world...

3) Are u sleepy now?
- nop but right now i feel a bit tired...juz bukak puasa so tak boleh tido takut tak proper digestion lak nanti...hihi...

4) Are u confused with what lies ahead of you?
- yeah..of course...juz like "the road not taken..."

5) What's your ideal lover like?
- he must be a muslim who knows his responsibility to the Almighty,family,friends n surroundings..a person who will lead n guide me to the right path to Allah...other than that,he must be sincere,kindhearted n accept me as the way i am...banyak lagi sebenanye tapi cukup la takat ni je...lain2 criteria bole refer kat entry ni...

6) Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
- both...those things really give different feelings...hehe

7) What is the one thing that pisses you off about the opposite sex?
- suka mengongkong n terlalu EGO

8) How far will you go for the one you love the most?
- until the very end...get married n have children..

9) Is there anything that makes you unhappy these days?
- i think i had that feeling...

10)What is your favorite fairytale of all time and why?
- CINDERELLA...hihi...coz it's really a good story..after having a hard time suddenly came the prince charming to take her as his queen of his heart...memang sweet part prince charming pakaikan kasut kat kaki cinderella...kalaulah ade prince charming datang kat i n buat camtu....hahahhaa....angan2 time kecik2 dulu n rasenye sampai sekarang kot masih berangan camtu...hihi


that's it for more thing i don't want to tag anyone...