Malam tadi ade potluck party untuk group i..the hosts are ashok n loga..kitorg sengaja pilih bilik diorg sebab...jeng..jeng..jeng..i think let it be a secret..otherwise they will kill me..hehe..
Actually kitorg dah lame plan party ni n sume kene cabut undi untuk task masing2..adil dan saksama gitu..hehe..hasil undian...
Actually kitorg dah lame plan party ni n sume kene cabut undi untuk task masing2..adil dan saksama gitu..hehe..hasil undian...
1. Sofie - ayam masak merah
2. Ganesh - nasi tomato
(i taught him how to make this main dish..not difficult,right?! Lepas ni boleh la masak nasi tomato lagi yer..hehehe..)
3. Eisa - acar
4. Wani - dalca kambing
(it was a very nice dalca..others said takde bau kambing but my nose could smell it..i think i ain't the kambing eater afterall..uhh..)
5. Arshad - sotong goreng celup tepung
6. Loga - makaroni bakar
7. Sinthu - fruits cocktail
8. Shalini - kek coklat
(her first ever chocolate cake n it turned out very nice..)
9. Ashok - lemonade n mcflurry aiskrim
(i think this was one of the easiest task..lucky ashok..ehmm..)
there was no theme n dress code last night n surely everyone was happy with it,right?! n guess what i wore last night?! I pakai skirt kembang kaler hitam n baju kaler putih n merah..kalo tak silap rasenye ni first time i pakai skirt untuk class party,isn't it?! hehe..but i think i dah rosakkan imej si pemakai skirt..ngeh3..mane tak je pakai kain tapi duduk or jalan still gaya si pemakai seluar...tak ayu langsung..haha..
there was no theme n dress code last night n surely everyone was happy with it,right?! n guess what i wore last night?! I pakai skirt kembang kaler hitam n baju kaler putih n merah..kalo tak silap rasenye ni first time i pakai skirt untuk class party,isn't it?! hehe..but i think i dah rosakkan imej si pemakai skirt..ngeh3..mane tak je pakai kain tapi duduk or jalan still gaya si pemakai seluar...tak ayu langsung..haha..
ala2 princess...hehe...
the control macho boys...
eisa,arshad,loga,ashok n ganesh
wani,shalini,sofie n sinthu
Last night was very happening..after eating,loga played his guitar n he's really at it..loga mainkan lagu "more than words", "hero", "kau ilhamku" n other sangat..cuma takde unggun api je kat tengah2...
Then we played a game called "police n thief"..pencuri kene kenyitkan sebelah mata untuk bunuh penduduk n polis kene teka sape pencuri tu..kalo pencuri terkenyit kat polis,abis la pencuri was fun..hihi
other than that,we also played a game called "teka tajuk movie"..sorang kene bagi clue tanpa bercakap,means ngan gaya je n yang lain kene teka ape tajuk movie tu...huhu
I really had a good time last night..thanks to my classmates for a great n an enjoyable potluck party...
13 smile at me ^_^:
yelah. time kasih ajar buat acar tu. saye ingat nak buat stail saye tapi akhirnya jadi stail sofie jugak... hihi. rasenye mane lagi sedap, stail saye lah kan. tapi ape bole buat
baru tadi buat sotong celup tepung..^^
de masak spesel ke raya ni??
selamat hari raya aidiladha..^^
camat ari raya aji
wah... dahpandai memasak 2..dah nk kahwen la ini wahai sahabatku yg kecik molek ^^
takpe la time u can do it in ur style pulak..
sedapkan sotong goreng..
Tak masak special pun raye kali ni..huhu
Selamat ari raye aidiladha to u too..
Sitie bum bum,
thanx for visiting my blog..
Selamat hari raye aji to u too..
takde la pandai masak sangat..
Kawen lambat lagi kot..hehe..
sian ye doq perantauan, mesti rindu makanan best2 dari malaysia
rindu makanan msia tu ok2 je,takde la sampai kempunan...huhu..
Nway,thanx for dropping by..
nampak meriah je majlis tu...ayam masak merah tu feberet si hazwan.. hehe
we are like family here..sejak 1st year lagi same2...bile ade makan2 cam gini memang meriah jadinye...hihi
suka tgk blog dier yg bnyak pic makanan...
Adakah seorang muslimah itu wajar dipertontonkan kpd muslimin?
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