Friday, February 29, 2008
.::i CaN't bEaR iT aNymORe...::.
i dunno what was wrong with me but i think it's because of foods coz during last weekend,i ate a lot..surely my body couldn't bear those different kind of foods simultaneously...haha...
today i feel appetite is bitter diarrhea..but tonight wani wat makan2 utk satu kelas...haha..makan2 lagi..but i've alrealy told wani that i won't eat a lot coz i'm not fully recover yet..i'm scared i'll suffer again...uhhh...
Friday, February 22, 2008
.::i'M HePi juZ LiKe BuTtErfLy..::.
actually we went to supermarket coz we wanted to buy a besday present for k.fifi n today is k.fifi's besday...i bought a perfume for her...
HePi 24th BesDaY To You...
seMogA diPanJaNgkaN uMur n DiMurAhkaN RezeKi...
KeeP sMiLinG....
so,tonight we're gonna celebrate her birthday at Marakan Restaurant...yeah..can't wait to makan2 lagi coz i didn't eat anything for today...huhu...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
.::SnoW is MeLtiNg...::.
yesterday i went out with akak coz akak wanted to buy a bday present for k.fifi...huhu...we went to the center around 3 pm n came back to the hostel only at 7 pm...bak kata akak "we had our poyar2 day yesterday"..haha...we entered so many shops but since it was late evening,most of the shops were getting the end,i bought one girlish handbag which i never bought it before n one jacket n both of them are dark brown in color..haha..n akak also bought 2 shirts n guess what?!! no present for k.fifi...hehe...
i have an oral exam tomorrow for internal disease...uhh...i hope i can pass it successfully..pray for me...
here are some pics during last snowy day...

i better start studying now even though there's no more snow outside there...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
.::SnoWy daY..::.

in front of Furshet with wani...yeah..can't wait to go inside for shopping...haha..

after smpai center from 7th hospital...yeah...

peace...on d way to 6th hospital for Pathanat was heavy snow yerterday...
we were already late but still i wanted to take pics...hahaha...
Sunday, February 17, 2008
.::LiFe iN uKraiNe...::.

juz walked around n had a window shopping only...
The Products n Prices
RM1.00 = UAH1.50

when we asked him how much does it cost per kilo n we were very surprised...
for beef without bones - last time UAH30 but now UAH40
for beef with bones - last time UAH18 but now UAH26

we might not be able to eat eggs in the future....last year for 10 big size eggs were juz UAH3.50 only but now the price is UAH6.00...

last time its price UAH10 per kilo but now UAH15...

the frozen fishes...their prices had been increased up to UAH5.00 per kilo...

the frozen squids n they manage to sell those products with those prices?!! this is too much....
last time UAH30 per chicken but now UAH40
last time UAH19 per kg but now UAH25
4 years ago UAH0.90 per kilo but now UAH4
4 years ago UAH1.50 but now UAH5
last year UAH5.50 but now UAH10.50 per liter
last year UAH3.50,now UAH6 per liter
n others...
sume pun da naik harga...
n i'm very sure harga barang kat cni akan naik lg coz cam xde kawalan pun harga barang2 kat cni..n naik sesuka ati je...ehmm...tambang pun da naik...memula dulu mase smpai cni thn 2004,tmbang bas hanya UAH0.75 je n thn berikutnye naik smpai UAH1 n this year da naik smpai UAH1.50...adehhhhh....xkan la harga minyak naik,sume barang pun nk naik....pe2 pun,ni la kehidupan kat Ukraine...but still i'm happy to be here...huhu..

porks are everywhere...their heads are hanging here n there...huhu..
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Today is my mom’s 43rd birthday…
Semoga dipanjangkan umur n dimurahkan rezeki n semoga diberkati selalu…
Happy Happy Happy Birthday
With LOVE From Me To You
May Your Wishes All Come True
Happy Happy Happy Birthday To You…

Even though we are apart,I always miss u n sometimes I feel like I really need you to be here…Thanx for everything...
p/s : sorry I can’t buy a Mercedes benz for u..i forgot which class…but like dad said,he will buy u one at Carrefour Abu Dhabi…haha…juz enjoy that little tiny Mercedes Benz je la ek..hihi
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
.::wHeN i FeeL boRiNg..::.
petang smlm i buat kuih apam gula hangus...1st time try buat...saje je coz dah xde keje..walaupun 1st time buat,alhamdulillah jadi jugak kuih apam tu...sedapp lagi...huhu..sesi memuji diri seniri la pulak..hihi..

tomorrow will be another relax day for me but this Friday i ade exam objektif utk subjek internal disease...oh no...musim exam dah kembali....
Sunday, February 10, 2008
.::HePi BirThdaY To u....::.
Date : 8/1/08
Time : 9.30pm
Avenue : Shalu's Room
Theme : Black n White
Meals : Ayam panggang,mashed potato,french fries,salad,ice-cream,chocolate cake,caramel pudding n air lemon
HaPpy BiRthdaY To LOGA

ayam panggang - by arshad
mashed potato - by shalu
french fries - by ganesh
salad - by ashok
chocolate cake - by wani
caramel puding - by sofie
air lemon - by eisa
Sunday, February 03, 2008
.::HePi daY....~LaLaLaaa~::.
so,pe yg i buat weekend ni?!! uhhh...semalam i kuar ngan akak n k.pepo....firstly,kitorg pegi kedai spec coz akak nk beli contact lens n guess what?!! i pun beli contact lens gak...haha...1st time pakai contact lens..actually da lame da nk pakai cuma x berkesempatan kan semalam mase cek mate,power da naik...uwaaaaaaaaa......lepas je beli contact lens tu,i terus pakai...hihi...pastu kitorg pegi makan kat turkish restaurant kat gudang..i makan shish kebab...sedappp...
pastu semalam pas solat asar,i kuar ngan akak lg...kali ni kitorg pegi supermarket utk beli barang2...huhu...then,kitorg blk umah k.pepo n akak masak ikan yg die beli kat supermarket tu..akak msk sweet sour...sedapp sgt...pastu smlm memula igt nk blk hostel tp cam malas la pulak n i gtau k.fifi yg i nk tido kat umah ni...lame x lepak2 ngan k.fifi...hihi...haa..lupe lak..mase kat supermarket tu,i beli eskrim n coke..smpai je umah,i terus wat eskrim float utk sume org...huhu...
pagi ni i igt nk masak nasi lemak coz besenye kalo i tido cni,i akan masak nasi lemak tp i x jumpe lak ikan bilis...abis 1 dapur i cari tp x jumpe pun...maybe diorg x bukak stok baru lg kot..i xtau mane diorg simpan stok2 yg x bukak,cancel la plan nk msk nasi lemak...ehmm...