yesterday wani,arshad n i went to kubicheski rinak to buy some products...i juz followed them coz i didn't have anything to buy...huhu..we went there around 2.30 pm...actually we wanted to go to sentralnih rinak coz we wanted to have our lunch there but arshad had an important thing to do in the morning n he juz came back around 1.30 was already late to go to sentralnih rinak n we might not be able to have our lunch,we juz had our lunch at home...huhu..

juz walked around n had a window shopping only...
The Products n Prices
RM1.00 = UAH1.50

when we asked him how much does it cost per kilo n we were very surprised...
for beef without bones - last time UAH30 but now UAH40
for beef with bones - last time UAH18 but now UAH26

we might not be able to eat eggs in the future....last year for 10 big size eggs were juz UAH3.50 only but now the price is UAH6.00...

last time its price UAH10 per kilo but now UAH15...

the frozen fishes...their prices had been increased up to UAH5.00 per kilo...

the frozen squids n they manage to sell those products with those prices?!! this is too much....
last time UAH30 per chicken but now UAH40
last time UAH19 per kg but now UAH25
4 years ago UAH0.90 per kilo but now UAH4
4 years ago UAH1.50 but now UAH5
last year UAH5.50 but now UAH10.50 per liter
last year UAH3.50,now UAH6 per liter
n others...
sume pun da naik harga...
n i'm very sure harga barang kat cni akan naik lg coz cam xde kawalan pun harga barang2 kat cni..n naik sesuka ati je...ehmm...tambang pun da naik...memula dulu mase smpai cni thn 2004,tmbang bas hanya UAH0.75 je n thn berikutnye naik smpai UAH1 n this year da naik smpai UAH1.50...adehhhhh....xkan la harga minyak naik,sume barang pun nk naik....pe2 pun,ni la kehidupan kat Ukraine...but still i'm happy to be here...huhu..

porks are everywhere...their heads are hanging here n there...huhu..
3 smile at me ^_^:
wah semua barang pun naik, serupa macam malaysia je ....
baru dapat tengok pemandangan di simferopol...letak lah lagi pics tu...
naik berganda2!harap bersabar k.berapa tahun lg kat sane ni?
barangan malaysia pun akan naik harga sbb harga mnyak pun akan naik lepas pilihan raya..tguu je la nantii..:(
tu la..asyik naik je keje harga brg kat cni...
nk gmba ropol lg ke? hehe..
ade lg 3 thn nk abis...lame lg...dlm mase 3 thn akan dtg mesti akan naik lg harga brg kat cni...
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