yesterday after finishing my class at the hospital,i went to furshet supermarket to buy some the evening i made a cheesecake...haha...the 1st ever cheesecake that i've made in my life...sedap lak tu...hehe...angkat bakul seniri lak...tapi mmg betul pun sedap...nyum..nyum...

today is a woman's day here...they used to celebrate it on 8th March every year...siap cuti rasmi lagi...huhu...x macam Man's Day yg diorg celebrate pada akhir bln 2...langsung xde cuti...bangganya jadi pompaun kat cni...haha...i think it's not too late to wish a warmth Happy Woman's Day to all women outside there...
4 smile at me ^_^:
doktor, boleh saya order cheesecake untuk my son's wedding ????
haa?!! for ur son's wedding?!! i think i can't make it...hahahhaa...
Nak nak!
Nak sikit!!
*sambil hentak-hentak kaki*
i'm so sorry coz cheesecake tu da time lak yer...hihi
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