
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

.:| IF ONLY |:.

by someone

If only I could make you see
how much you mean to me
If only I could make you see
how special you make me feel

If only I could make you see
how perfect you are to me
If only I could make you see
how loving you does feel

If only I could make you see
how much you make me smile
If only I could make you see
how much I want you to be mine

If only I could make you see
that my love for you is real
If only I could make you see
that this is like a dream

If only you could make me see
that you are really real
If only you could make me see
that this is not just a dream

If only you could see these things through my eyes and mind
If only you could feel these things through my heart and soul

If All these Ifs may come true
you would finally see
that you're really meant for me
my endless love to be

i've found the poem above in the is really a nice poem...i like the phrase IF ONLY I COULD MAKE YOU SEE n why i like it?!! juz because i.......

bercakap pasal IF ONLY ni, i penah tengok movie IF ONLY...dah 2 kali i tengok citer ni...1st time dulu tak ingat la bile tapi kalo tak silap time 1st or 2nd year..n 2nd time i tengok citer mase bulan lepas...citer ni sangat best n touching...i suke satu lagu dalam citer tu...tajuk lagu tu TAKE MY HEART BACK...n lagu ni jadi lagu untuk blog i sekarang ni...


It'll be alright
You said
Don't you cry
Don't you shed a tear
When you wake up
I will still be here
When you wake up
We'll battle all your fears
And now I'll...

Take my heart back
Leave your pictures on the floor
Steal back my memories
I can't take it anymore
I've cried my eyes out
Oh, and now I face the years
The way you loved me
Vanished all the tears

Just a little more time was all we needed
Just a little time for me to see
Oh, the light that life can give you
Oh, how it could set you free
So now I'll...

Take my heart back
Leave your pictures on the floor
Steal back my memories
I can't take it anymore
I've cried my eyes out
Oh,and now I face the years
The way you loved me
Vanished all the tears

jiwang la pulak....tengah jiwa kacau la katekan...ehmm...nape pulak yer?!! biarlah rahsia...hihi...

petang tadi after zohor i pegi gym lagi...kali ni banyak buat sit-up...abis la..mesti nanti sakit kat bahagian abdomen ni time nak baring n bangun dari katil...ouchhh....

arini tamat la sudah cycle Therapy untuk sem ni...jumpe lagi next sem...n esok cycle baru akan bermula..ENDORINOLOGY pulak...katenye department ni cam psyco ckit tapi pe2 pun terpaksa la hadapi jugak demi mase depan....uhhh...

ok la...nak dinner pulak...lapar...sari suntuk tak arini simple je..ikan goreng, labu masak lemak, sambal, salad n nasi putih...till then..tata...

12 smile at me ^_^:

silversarina said...

kes cintan ni.... bawa bertenang tak lari cinta dikejar , apa yang penting biarlah dapat cinta sejati , InsyaAllah.

Mardihah said...

ermm...wah, berwajah baru lagi ya sofie...teruskan kes cintan cintun ker? ahaks....usik2 sofie je....nyway, selamat berbahagia dengan tiap kelapangan ya!


Balqis said...


geeee, lama tak singgah sinilah,
apa habaq?

tgh memendam rasa ker?
bawak bersabaq na~

anyway, juz nak bagitahu that u've been tag by me...

Klik di sini untuk baca lebih lanjut.. alah gi blog saya je lah...

nadia said...

best lagu tu..:)

faridmw said...

lawa wajah blog kali ni..
dkt sana ada jual brang2 masak sepeti di msia ka?

SoFie NuR said...

saje xde keje..skali skala jiwang..hehe..


It's ok..skali skala mengusik pe salahnye..

SoFie NuR said...

sihat aje..
Memendam rasa?! Ehmm..think so..huhu


nadia hanin,
ingatkan sape la td gune nickname ddweee..rupe2nye nadia..
Lagu tu memang best n touching..

SoFie NuR said...

time kasih atas pujian tu..hihi
kat sini boleh kate senang gak nak dpt barang mentah cam kat msia cume yg susahnye rempah ratus je sebab rempah ratus kat sini rase die x same cm msia..

zino said...

ada apa apa ke ni... lain macam je sejak menjak ni hehe

Hafiz said...

'If only' tu movie apa yer? Hmm, kalau cerita dia best, mungkin boleh cari nanti.

mommy said...

cite tu cite mane ek??
x penah dgr pun..
malam tadi baru je makan ikan goreng..ngan kicap plus sup sayur..nyam menjilat jari kaki

SoFie NuR said...


pasal movie tu...tak tau nak explain camner...hihi..for me,citer tu best...



tengok la citer tu...

sedap kan walaupun simple...sanggup tu jilat jari kaki yang bau stokin bucuk tuh...:p