our 1st destination was Krakow which is located in Poland..we arrived in Katowice airport on 15th jan at 7.30pm..at first it took so long to get through the immigration..they asked us everything but politely,not like russian..from there we took a bus to Krakow which is located 100km from Katowice..we reached our hostel at 11pm..we stayed in Atlantis Hostel which is located in the middle between Kazimierz n Main Market Square..that night we didn't go out coz we were so tired n sleepy except for Ganesh n Eugene..

The next morning after everyone woke up,we headed straight to the main attraction places nearby..firstly was Wawel Castle..we took pictures n then went straight to the Main Market Square..after posing n taking a lot of pictures there,we made a move to Galeria Krakowska,the biggest shopping mall in Krakow..we just had an ice-cream there..yummy..akak bought a pair of new boots n eisa bought a pendrive..the rest bought nothing..jimat punyer pasal coz baru je destinasi pertama n beg pulak terhad..telan air liur je la tengok SALE yang sangat la murah berbanding tempat lain..ehmm..

After that,we went back to the Main Market Square coz we wanted to search for souvenirs..on the way pegi sane,terserempak pulak ngan kete comel ala2 kete golf yang bawak pelancong ronda2 sekitar Krakow..i was so into it at that moment coz nak jalan kaki pegi tempat2 lain cam dah tak larat,lagipun kat Krakow aritu snow pulak..so,kitorg berpecah sekejap coz tak sume nak naik tour car tu..there were just 7 of us yang naik kete tu..Fifi,Pepo,Khalilah,Shu Yee,Eisa,Eugene n I..we went to Kazimierz Town..it is a jewish town..they came to Krakow long time ago,i forgot which year..at first,their group were so small but then it reached up to 60000 people after some years..

after abis ronda2,we headed back to the Main Market Square n waited for the rests in McD..it was so cold at that time..after sume dah berkumpul,we went to the souvenir shop to buy some souvenirs..walaupun barang2 yang lain agak murah di Poland tapi souvenir yang dijual agak mahal..i just bought a keychain n 2 fridge magnets n also 2 small glasses..that's all..
Next,Fifi,Pepo,Akak n I went straight to Galeria Krakowska coz we wanted to buy some foods in Carrefour while the rests went back to the hostel to heat up their bodies..after shopping,we sit at the bench n waited for Wani,Khalilah n Arshad yang baru sampai n shopping kat Carrefour..then,we went back to the hostel,makan n tido..sangat la penat tapi puas hati...

The next morning,we went to Katowice Airport to catch our flight to the next destination..where it would be?! TO BE CONTINUED....
Walaupun hanya sehari suntuk di Krakow tapi rase sangat la best..orang sane sangat baik,senang nak mintak tolong n tak lekang senyuman di bibir masing2..kira Polish ni lagi bertamadun la berbanding Russian n Ukrainian..if ade rezeki,surely i akan pegi sane lagi..insyaallah..
our 1st destination was Krakow which is located in Poland..we arrived in Katowice airport on 15th jan at 7.30pm..at first it took so long to get through the immigration..they asked us everything but politely,not like russian..from there we took a bus to Krakow which is located 100km from Katowice..we reached our hostel at 11pm..we stayed in Atlantis Hostel which is located in the middle between Kazimierz n Main Market Square..that night we didn't go out coz we were so tired n sleepy except for Ganesh n Eugene..

The next morning after everyone woke up,we headed straight to the main attraction places nearby..firstly was Wawel Castle..we took pictures n then went straight to the Main Market Square..after posing n taking a lot of pictures there,we made a move to Galeria Krakowska,the biggest shopping mall in Krakow..we just had an ice-cream there..yummy..akak bought a pair of new boots n eisa bought a pendrive..the rest bought nothing..jimat punyer pasal coz baru je destinasi pertama n beg pulak terhad..telan air liur je la tengok SALE yang sangat la murah berbanding tempat lain..ehmm..

After that,we went back to the Main Market Square coz we wanted to search for souvenirs..on the way pegi sane,terserempak pulak ngan kete comel ala2 kete golf yang bawak pelancong ronda2 sekitar Krakow..i was so into it at that moment coz nak jalan kaki pegi tempat2 lain cam dah tak larat,lagipun kat Krakow aritu snow pulak..so,kitorg berpecah sekejap coz tak sume nak naik tour car tu..there were just 7 of us yang naik kete tu..Fifi,Pepo,Khalilah,Shu Yee,Eisa,Eugene n I..we went to Kazimierz Town..it is a jewish town..they came to Krakow long time ago,i forgot which year..at first,their group were so small but then it reached up to 60000 people after some years..

after abis ronda2,we headed back to the Main Market Square n waited for the rests in McD..it was so cold at that time..after sume dah berkumpul,we went to the souvenir shop to buy some souvenirs..walaupun barang2 yang lain agak murah di Poland tapi souvenir yang dijual agak mahal..i just bought a keychain n 2 fridge magnets n also 2 small glasses..that's all..
Next,Fifi,Pepo,Akak n I went straight to Galeria Krakowska coz we wanted to buy some foods in Carrefour while the rests went back to the hostel to heat up their bodies..after shopping,we sit at the bench n waited for Wani,Khalilah n Arshad yang baru sampai n shopping kat Carrefour..then,we went back to the hostel,makan n tido..sangat la penat tapi puas hati...

The next morning,we went to Katowice Airport to catch our flight to the next destination..where it would be?! TO BE CONTINUED....
Walaupun hanya sehari suntuk di Krakow tapi rase sangat la best..orang sane sangat baik,senang nak mintak tolong n tak lekang senyuman di bibir masing2..kira Polish ni lagi bertamadun la berbanding Russian n Ukrainian..if ade rezeki,surely i akan pegi sane lagi..insyaallah..
6 smile at me ^_^:
nice pics. also very good edited. please continue writing..... i will correct any inaccurate facts..huhu
Bestnya, sambung lagi ye :)
( orang sini boikot Mc D dan products US ..heheh )
kak sofie!!
tenet tgh2 pgi ni ok lak..
salji kah tu???
nak itot..
comeinye kak sofie ni..
br nmpk gambo beso sket...
bape ek budget??
mahal x?
u know i ain't that good in history...hihi...
mesti2...step by step...
McD itu sahaje yang ade untuk memanaskan badan...
nak itot?!! ala...akak dah balik la...bukan ke fatin tengah jalan sakan ke sekarang?!! enjoy ur holiday dear...
yup...it was snowing in krakow that day...tapi tak banyak pun...
i'm cute?!! hihi...toche2...
budget?!! terover budget gak ritu..hihi...
sangat seronok...rase cam nak jalan lagi....
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