
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

i'm sick again....

dah lame tak update blog ni...i had no mood to write...i don't know why...i don't know what i'm thinking...depression n tension..both...i don't know how to let them go away...i want to be happy as much as i can..although i'm much more happier now but there's something inside my mind...i can't figure it out...

yesterday i fell sick i went to polyclinic and the doctor gave me medicine n i have to meet her again in a week time...hope everything will be ok...i feel pain when i change my position or when there's too many movement...arghhh...tak bestnye duk baring atas katil je...tahun ni banyak kali pulak sakit...memang banyak dugaan betul...macam2 benda berlaku tahun ni...adelah hikmahnye tu...

my dermatology's cycle is not that wowww...i feel like it's boring...huhu...whenever i met patients,i could feel the itchiness throughout my body...ouchhhhhh...

ok...nothing much to say...just pray for my health n happiness...

CURRENT MODE : sick...oh prince charming....please help me...

7 smile at me ^_^:

nadia said...

aii kak sofie...

semoga cepat sembuh..
jgn tensi2 k..


have a nice day!


silversarina said...

Get well soon dear !!

Semalam Mimi tanya , " Mama, ada tak doktor yang sakit ??? "

Dah pun terjawab di sini..hehehe.

yuyu said...

hi sofiah, ble balik msia??
ada kesempatan kita jumpa ye.
miz u.

SoFie NuR said...


banyak kali pulak sakit tahun ni..sedihhh..

i'm trying to cheer up myself..SMILE..



thank u..
ape la agaknye si mimi kenit tu pikir..ade2 je dia tu..huhu

SoFie NuR said...


insyaallah sampai msia akhir jun..ade kat msia dari bulan 7 til mid sept..hope to meet u..really miss u dear..mwaschh..

Hafiz said...

hopefully you can overcome your sickness soon.

I find that my dermatology rotation is pretty interesting and one way to remember the treatment in dermatology is

'if it's wet, keep it dry and if it's dry, keep it wet'
and always give steroid :)

SoFie NuR said...


i do hope everything will be ok..quite weird jugak la ngan my body condition...harap takde ape yang serius..

kat sini dermatology tak best sangat..maybe because i sendiri tak minat kot..nway,thank u for the tips...i'll save it in my memory...:)