Today is the 6th day since i was admitted..i feel so bored coz i have nothing to do..i thought i can study a bit but it seems like i can't make it into reality coz the surrounding makes i just want to write about the day which i was diagnosed of having a big sized dermoid cyst in my right ovary..
~ i went to the polyclinic in the morning because i wanted to make an ultrasound but the doctor asked me to come at 2pm but i told him i had a class so, he asked me to come again on the next day at 9.15am...
~ that morning as i was told by the doctor the day before i went to the polyclinic again..once i reached there i went to the cafe and bought a liter of mineral water coz the doctor asked me to drink a plenty amount of water before he could perform the,i drank the water n of course i felt really uneasy after drinking it..i felt like vomiting..arghh...then i had to wait until my urinary bladder full..after 45 minutes then only i entered the room n the doctor performed the ultrasound starting from the pubic area until the a result the doctor said i had a big sized cyst in my ovary n it must be removed from my body..i was so shocked when i heard it..then i went to see the gynecologist n she did the transrectal examination n palpated my abdomen..then she said i had to undergo the operation..she asked me to go to 7th hospital for further check up..i had nothing to say..i was so blurred...UNEXPECTED..
~ that morning i went to 7th hospital but sadly they asked me to go to anotger hospital called "РОДНОЙ ДОМ No.1"..once i reached there i had to wait about an hour before i could see the doctors..they did transrectal examination again n they told me the cyst was too big that i need a surgery as soon as possible..then the doctors asked me to go to another hospital to make the 3D ultrasound to confirm the diagnose..after the ultrasound,i saw the result then only i knew it was really a big sized cyst (11.2x8.9x11.5cm) in my right ovary..then i came back to "РОДНОЙ ДОМ No.1" n showed the result to the doctors..then i was admitted into the hospital and the operation will be performed on the next day in the morning..
~ the most painful experience i've ever had..2 times i had to experience this method before the operation..i had to experience this the night (7/5/09 at 9.15pm) n in the early mornimg (8/5/09 at 6.30am) before the operation to clean my digestive was really uncomfortable at all..they inserted a plenty amount of water about 2 liters into my digestive tract through my rectum until my i could feel the pain as my stomach began to expand..i felt nausea n after they inserted the water,i had to wait for 5-10 minutes before i could go to the toilet..once i sat on the toilet bowl..just like a pipe,the water with all my digestive tract contents moved out from my was really really really....i wish i won't experience this method again in the future...
i think that's all for now..i will write about the operation day n the days after the operation..till then,do pray for me so that i will recover soon..
~ sangat la BOSAN duk kat hospital ni..bila la leh kuar...
~ can't wait to go HOME...MISS MY FAMILY SO MUCH..
~ i'm missing SOMEONE...
17 smile at me ^_^:
Biar rehat betul di hospital baru kuar...I wish I could be there with you dear!!
smoga cepat sembuh..
nak lg cepat sembuh??
tangguhkan je la flight ke next summer..
(11.2x8.9x11.5)tu dlm cm ke?? bkn mm or nm?
bentuk cube ka??..ganas..
huhu...i'll come n gossips with u..huhu..cepat laa kuar yer sofie..
i was surprised when ayah suddenly called me & said that you'll undergo the surgery the next day..
anyway, really glad that everything's going fine
p/s : so your stomach is sooo clean right now huh??
i wish u are here..sangat la bosan duk atas kat hospital..dah la ana jenis tak duk diam..memang mati kutu tak tau nak buat apa :(
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thank u..
nak lagi cepat sembuh? senang aje..just sponsor 1 jet peribadi n balik mesia sekarang gak..hehe :p
cyst tu dlm cm yer..xtau la rupa camner..tak tengok lagi..
nanti gosip lagi ek..hehe..tak sabar nak kuar hospital ni :(
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tu la..sume orang pun terkejut..tapi alhamdulillah sume ok..
p/s : perut memang kosong selama 3 ari 3 malam..sangat lapar wooo..tapi sekarang dah leh makan tapi makanan baby aje..hehehe..
semuga segera sembuh dan keluar dari hospital tu..
rasenye cam dah dekat nak kuar je..sangat2 tak sabar ni..
besar gila ur cyst..
ni la..baru belajar..hehehe
anyway..syafakillah wa'afaki...
take care..
glad to hear that u r okay...terkejut jugak dengar that u undergone d surgery...alhamdulillah everything is ok...cheer-up ya...wahhh wonder missing who ek... hehe...:)
salam kak sofie..
baru dgr crita dari blog maya.. syafakillah akak. semoga cepat sembuh dan kembali sihat mcm selalu. amin. ^_^
sofie jagan ganas2 karang tadapat balik bercuti:D semoga sofie cepat keluar hsptal dan cepat sembuh
i know how bad it is to be in the hospital. i've been in and out from the hospital to take care of my lil girl last year. sangat bosan untuk orang yang menunggu. udah²nya balik kita pulak yang sakit.
there's a blessing in disguise, alhamdulillah. siapa tahu satu hari nanti apa yang Sofie lalui ini dapat membantu dan memberi manfaat kepada orang lain pula.
moga cepat recover... jaga diri dan pemakanan bebaik!
thank u dear...
yup...cyst tu sangat besar n i myself pun sangat tak sangka...pe2 pun, alhamdulillah sume ok...
auntie linda,
tu la..sume orang terkejut bila dapat tau pasal benda ni...alhamdulillah dapat kesan cepat...
i'm wondering too...missing sape la agaknya?!! :p
terima kasih doakan kak sofie jugak...i'm getting much more better now..alhamdulillah...
memang tak leh la nak ganas2 sangat lepas ni...aihhh...jadi gadis ayu la nampaknye...hehehehe...
yup...sangat la mati kutu dibuatnya...tambahan pulak i'm not the type yang duduk diam...tetiba kena duk kat wad..menguji kesabaran betul...pe2 pun,everything dah ok...alhamdulillah...pengalaman yang takkan dilupakan...
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