uhhh...it's been a while since i last updated this blog...bukannye ape..sangat la kemalasan untuk menaip n takde la banyak benda yang berlaku lately....huhu
it was snowing here last night but it wasn't that thick enough...i'm still waiting for the heavy snow so that i can 'guling-guling' on the snow, play snowballs n build a huge tall Mr. Snowman...mission for this winter is to build Mr. Snowman...i never had a chance to build the huge snowman before other than the cute little snowman in 2005....hope this year's mission will turn out into reality...really can't wait for it...hihihi...the thing is now it's freezing cold here... hibernating in the comfy thick blanket is the first choice...tapi lain lak jadinya..sume keje tak jalan...lazying around je...hahaa...it's -4 degree celcius outside...grrrrrrrr....sejukkkkkkk!! ni yang kemalasan untuk gi kelas esok ni...hikhikhik...mengada-ngada betul...
ehmm...right now i'm sooooooooo jealous with my family members (ayah,mama,mimi,izzat n maya) because they left me behind...right now they are on a vacation in Hong Kong...my mom called me this morning n said they're going to Disneyland tomorrow....uwaaaaaaaaa....nak ikut jugakkkkkkk!! tak aci...my sis maya just joined them yesterday....uhukkk...uhukkk...sedihhhhh kena tinggal...
sekarang ni dah ada hobi baru...actually ni hobi lame tapi baru naik semangat balik sejak dah beli camera baru ni...dah lama memasang impian nak memiliki DSLR camera ni...dah lame jugak kumpul duit untuk beli camera ni...bajet pun yang paling murah je n beli yang paling basic je...practice dari bawah...huhu...so mase cuti H1N1 aritu i asked my friend yang balik mesia belikan i camera ni...i bought NIKON D3000...kecik,ringan n comey...hehe..senang nak bawak kemana-mana...muat dalam handbag yang kecik pun...baru je seminggu dapat camera ni...n agak banyak la gamba yang dah diambil tapi hanya sedikit je yang puas hati...kena practice lagi ni...skang ni practice snap pics barang2 dalam umah je...outdoor tak start lagi sebab kat luar tu sangat sejuk...leh beku dibuatnya...hihi
ni la antara gambar-gambar yang dah diambil ngan camera ni....

yummylicious muffin at wani's housewarming party....

sekumpulan sepit yang sibuk nak jadi model jugak...hihi...

"flower n grass" - 620,5th hostel

lighting up my day with its beautiful scent...

"candle light dinner" - when it will be?!!

so colorful...which one will you pick?!!
other than camera...i also bought a new phone...ni sebab nak kasi hadiah kat diri sendiri after Pediatrics exam aritu...rasa cam diri sendiri deserved hadiah ni...huhu...

my newly bought handphone
"what color is your life?"
n i chose the PINK color PRINCESS CORBY
semalam (12/12/09) berlangsungnya majlis pertunangan my cousin belah mama....ehmm...sorang lagi cucu opah bakal menamatkan zaman anak dara....hihi...so my turn bila pulak yer?!! hahaaaa...akad nikah dah ditetapkan pada 2 julai 2010...harap sempat la balik sebelum majlis ni...tak sabar nak claim hadiah langkah bendul ni...heheheee....

CONGRATS to Puteri Maisarah & Kapt. Shahrizat
semoga berbahagia selalu...ameen...
right now i'm having Cardiology's cycle...boleh tahan la cycle ni...luckily exam subject ni next sem...takde la pressure sangat...hope everything will be ok...
ni je la untuk kali ni...
till the next entry...
p/s : pasni nak kena start saving balik ni...chaiyokkkkk!!!
5 smile at me ^_^:
love your camera Sofie nanti bolih amek kan gambar Billy ye?
enjoy the cold my dear:)
eeee....jelesnya, dia dah ada camera DSLR....eeee.....geramnya....:)
auntie elle,
boleh2...nanti bawak la Billy jalan2 ganu...hehee..
here is extremely cold n it's getting colder...uwaaa...how am i supposed to enjoy this kind of weather? i think i'm gonna be a statue sooooon...
auntie fa,
alaaa...yg biasa2 je...bajet kurang...hehe
igt nk beli dslr gak..
tp kamera ni br je beli..tangguh dlu niat..
alaaa...kak sofie pun bertahun tu baru dapat..takpe2..insyaAllah ada la rezeki tu nanti...
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