's sunday...i love it...i just want to spend my time with my friends as much as i can coz they really make me happy...thank you guys...i won't forget all memories we've shared together...uhh..
how was my day on saturday,that means yesterday?!! i'm gonna tell u that i had a great day yesterday spending my whole day with my friends n i just came back home at 9 pm...huhu...
so,where was i during the day?!! i went out at 11 am with akak,k.fifi,k.pepo n khalilah...the first destination was McD...yeah..we went there coz we wanted to eat ice-cream...huhu...dah lame kempunan nk makan eskrim McD...i makan 2 kon eskrim,akak n khalilah 1 kon eskrim n k.fifi makan McFlurry caramel..i really like McD's ice-cream...just like McD's slogan "i'm lovin' it"...walaupun dah makan 2 eskrim tapi kan rase gian nk makan tu still ade lagi...hahaha...
after eating,we took a bus to the center...firstly,we went to optical shop coz akak wanted to buy a new pairs of contact lens...then,we went to turkish restaurant to have our lunch..not really actually coz we didn't feel hungry at all...huhu...
after that,we walked along the market n bought some stuffs..after shopping we went back home...after reaching home,akak told me she wanted to go to k.dayah's room n i also wanted to come along coz i wanted to see k.dayah's new kitten...huhu..she just bought the kitten last monday...its name is jijoe...jijoe is so cute n if it is a real human baby,for sure i will pinch both cheeks...hihi..but really jijoe is a cat so i can't do sad...

after playing with jijoe,akak n i went back home again n after some moments,we went to k.fifi's house coz k.pepo wanted akak to teach her how to cut n clean the fish that she bought in the morning...huhu...akak n k.pepo had their teaching,learning n gossiping session in the kitchen n they took really a long time to finish the session...huhu....meanwhile,i spent my time watching movies with khalilah n k.fifi..haha...
after that at around 9 pm,akak n i went back home again to have a rest n sleep....i was so tired after all but i really enjoyed the day...yet yesterday was so was 27 degree celcius...uhh...i hope today will be great too...yeah...
6 smile at me ^_^:
The kitten is really cute.. tapi tetap geli... :P
ya Allah!
saye takut kucing tp ni sgt comell!
sume kitten comel, tp bile da jadi cat, kurang sket kan.perasan x?
ehe!rase nk beli untk adik jekk!:))
comeynyer..tapi warna kelabu lah....aiceh.....your time fully yerp..semoga setiap masa di isi dengan penuh manfaat, hubungan kawan, persahabatan dan kasih will be one sweet memory with frenz..yeah....
salam sayang,
comenyeee kucing dalam game 'CATZ' je..tapi sekadar tengok jelaa..nak pegang x dela...
kitten tu mmg sgt comey cam i jugak...
bad memory uhh?!! hihi
this one is really cute...i pun x suke sgt kucing but this one really makes me crazy...haha
walaupun kaler kelabu tp tetap comey...
yg ni sure leh pegang punye...dah la cute..manja lak tu...hihi
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