juz came back from pharmaco's rework...oh no...right now i think i'm totally exhausted...yeah..it's juz b'coz i didn't have enough sleep last night...this morning i had a submodule exam for pharmaco...so,i was studying last night..not so into it actually...the thing was last night i thought i wanted to study but i couldn't coz i was tired n i wanted to sleep but still i couldn't coz i wasn't sleepy at all...so,i juz opened the book n read as much as i could until i fell asleep...i slept at 2.30am n woke up at 5.30am...juz 3 hours only...uhh...
ehmm...i don't know what's going on here..things are getting more complicated n it's really hard to understand...sometimes i feel so weird with myself n my surroundings..i don't know why...maybe it's juz my thinking...ehmm...let's not talk about those weird n complicated things anymore..yeah...i don't wanna bother my mind with all those stuffs...uhhh...
i juz got back my internet yesterday after 1 month n i'm very happy for it...haha..let's start from saturday...on saturday,we had a sport's day for all malaysian students here...i didn't take part in any games..juz being a volunteer...haha..memula pagi tu,someone told me that i kene jage bahagian tarik tali n i was ok with it coz it wouldn't take a long time...but suddenly after they gave a tag,it's written that i kene jage bahagian hoki untuk lelaki...memula cam x sedap hati gak la coz yang main sume lelaki n hanya kitorg berlima je perempuan...nasib baik la kene jadi pencatat je...i've been on the field from 11.30am till 5.30pm...all together we had 15 matches including semi-finals n final....i was really tired after all coz during the afternoon,the weather was quite ok n hot but during the evening,it was cold as the wind blew all the way across the field...grrr....sejukkkkkkkk....though i was so sad coz i didn't have an opportunity to see other games...isk..isk...

the next day was sunday...at first,i wanted to go out early in the morning but since everyone had something to do that morning so,i went out in the afternoon...while i was outside suddenly k.fifi called me n told me that they wanted to go for sauna in the evening...yeah...for sure i wanted to come along...only 5 of us went there n the place was nice n quite ok...we really enjoyed ourselves at that place...sauna...jacuzzi...uhh...everything was perfect...hihi...during that day,i've bought a lot of things...baru dapat gaji la katekan....white color handbag (my 2nd handbag)....sunglasses...foodstuffs...contact lens n solution...n some more....haha....
on monday,after finishing pathphysio's class,i went to celentino restaurant...i ate a lot...pizza..banana pancakes with chocolate...salad...milkshake..oh no...where's my diet plan now?!! it's all gone...gosh....
i had a trial objective test on tuesday...it was juz a trial n not so important...juz like training ourselves before the real one...i did quite ok n i must keep studying to pass the real one successfully...
yesterday,i made a choc cake...yummy...moist...creamy...uhh...it was so nice...haha...dah mula nak angkat bakul seniri...but it's ok as long as i'm happy...hihi
2 smile at me ^_^:
wah, macam sukma je...hehehe.
amboi macam-macam belanja... gaji sebulan berapa ekkk :P
hihi...bape ek gaji sebulan?!! :p
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