yesterday my cherry hunting diteruskan lagi...i bought half a kilo of cherries n i ate all of them alone by myself...uuuuhhhh...puas...but still rase nak makan lagi...hahaa...hantu cherry la katekan..i told akak n k.fifi,juz give me cherries n bread,surely i can live...hihi...
in the evening we went to Marakan to celebrate akak's (10/6) n eisa's(2/6) besday...there were 15 of us...

eisa (2/6), k.dayah (5/6), akak (10/6)

4 smile at me ^_^:
kotlema po-marakanski s siram tu makanan tradisional kat sana ker...tak pernah nampak pun.
ntah la..x sure makanan traditional ke manthi tu mmg makanan cni...
nnti awk balik mesia ekh.jom la wat xsure la sume org ade ke x.ehe!
bole je...insyaAllah kalo ade rezaki,kite leh wat reunion...
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