someone saw one indian guy in Simferopol
someone saw one indian guy in Simferopol
his friends declared he was missing..
sent a report about his missing to the university n police
31/5/08 - 4/6/08
usaha pencarian dijalankan di sekitar Simferopol,Evpatoria n lain2 lagi melibatkan pihak polis,pihak universiti n para pelajar...berita kehilangan beliau juga disiarkan dalam stesen TV Crimea...segala usaha yg dijalankan gagal...
at 9 am...one dead body was found by fishermen at the beach in Evpatoria...the place is about 2 hours from here by train...his clothes were still on n they found a handphone,student card n a bunch of keys...pihak universiti n presiden pelajar Msia bergegas ke tempat kejadian utk membuat pengesahan...keadaan mayat yg kembung menyebabkan kesukaran utk mengenal pasti mangsa...akhirnya,presiden pelajar Msia mengesahkan mayat tu adalah mayat budak india yg hilang tuh...
barang2 kepunyaan mangsa...
pihak universiti menyatakan berdasarkan keadaan mayat yg kembung dan juga necrosis,berkemungkinan besar his body was in the water for 5 to 7 days...after they did the autopsy,they said he had no fracture,trauma n injury...his condition was totally healthy...but the reason of his death is still under the investigation..sume x tau camner die mati n cause of his death coz die kuar berseorangan n xde sape yg tau die ke mane...only God knows...
i feel a bit sad n upset coz he is still young...he's only 22 years old..he is a 3rd year student..same batch dgn i...
today his father n uncle will be here...mayat mangsa akan dibawa blk ke Msia after sume urusan selesai...setinggi-tinggi takziah ditujukan buat keluarga mangsa...
his friends declared he was missing..
sent a report about his missing to the university n police
31/5/08 - 4/6/08
usaha pencarian dijalankan di sekitar Simferopol,Evpatoria n lain2 lagi melibatkan pihak polis,pihak universiti n para pelajar...berita kehilangan beliau juga disiarkan dalam stesen TV Crimea...segala usaha yg dijalankan gagal...
at 9 am...one dead body was found by fishermen at the beach in Evpatoria...the place is about 2 hours from here by train...his clothes were still on n they found a handphone,student card n a bunch of keys...pihak universiti n presiden pelajar Msia bergegas ke tempat kejadian utk membuat pengesahan...keadaan mayat yg kembung menyebabkan kesukaran utk mengenal pasti mangsa...akhirnya,presiden pelajar Msia mengesahkan mayat tu adalah mayat budak india yg hilang tuh...

pihak universiti menyatakan berdasarkan keadaan mayat yg kembung dan juga necrosis,berkemungkinan besar his body was in the water for 5 to 7 days...after they did the autopsy,they said he had no fracture,trauma n injury...his condition was totally healthy...but the reason of his death is still under the investigation..sume x tau camner die mati n cause of his death coz die kuar berseorangan n xde sape yg tau die ke mane...only God knows...
i feel a bit sad n upset coz he is still young...he's only 22 years old..he is a 3rd year student..same batch dgn i...
today his father n uncle will be here...mayat mangsa akan dibawa blk ke Msia after sume urusan selesai...setinggi-tinggi takziah ditujukan buat keluarga mangsa...
6 smile at me ^_^:
that is sad to know....
apapun semoga keluarga mendiang bersabar atas apa yang telah terjadi.
gee...a guy. tot it was a girl.
huhu..be careful wherever u are.
was he in padfak b4?
i can't recall who was he.
yeah..it is really an unexpected tragedy...
semoga keluarganya tabah menerima semuanya..
yeah..it was a guy...
actually this guy wasn't that familiar to me walaupun 1 patok...i dunno whether he did padfak or not...
salam takziah, peritnya kehilangan teman dan kawan, meski berlainan agama, semoga sentiasa kita memperingati di antara satu sama lain, insyaAllah.
Jaga diri di sana baik-baik, sentiasa berteman dan berkata yang baik-baik dan sentiasa ingat Allah ada di sisi dalam setiap perjalanan kalian, Jangan lupa berdoa dan mengamalkan al-mathurat..amin...ya allah.
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