24/1/09 - 27/1/09
bertolak dari Manchester seawal jam 3.55 pagi..before naik bas memang tak tido..n mase on the way kat dalam bas pun tak leh tido coz i ni jenis yang susah nak tido atas kenderaan bergerak sejak dulu lagi..unless kalo memang dah teramat penat..perjalanan mengambil mase lebih kurang 6 jam..transit kat Birmingham sejam n sampai London dalam kul 10 pagi..dari Victoria Station,kitorg ke hostel Smart Russell Square dengan menaiti Tube..sampai hostel,terus rehat n sempat lelap kejap dek kepenatan..basically kitorg tak gi memane pun siang tu,juz rehat je...
Malamnye after sume dah ready,we went to the Malaysian Hall,more precisely Malaysian Hall punyer restoran in Bayswater..sampai sane terus melantak makanan melayu..i ate nasi ngan ikan keli masak cili,sayur goreng,telur asin,sambal belacan sambil menghirup teh ais..walla...sedap hingga menjilat jari..hehe..abis makan,dah dapat energy n ape lagiii..it's SHOPPING TIME..yeah..we went to the souvenir shops kat Bayswater tu,survey2 sikit n mula membeli-belah..hehe..that night i bought sweater for me (as usual),t-shirts for me n my family,keychains,fridge magnets n so on..n malam tu jugak berjaya menghasut ashok menghabiskan duit sekali..see,i've alrealy told u...hehehe...after shopping,we took a tube n went back straight to the hostel n tidooo..PENAATTT..
in front of Malaysian Hall
see...i've already told u...sedap hingga menjilat jari...hehehe...
Keesokan harinya after breakfast,we took a tube n pegi je memane yang sempat..PLATFORM 9 3/4 AT KING'S CROSS STATION..sape2 peminat HARRY POTTER akan tau ape yang berlaku kat tempat ni..from there,we went to ARSENAL STADIUM (THE NEW EMIRATES STADIUM)..tak masuk pun stadium ni,juz amik gamba kat luar je coz tak ramai yang minat Arsenal..haha..pegi kat Megastore Arsenal n i just bought set alat tulis Arsenal for mimi n a keychain for my mom coz she's the only one in my family yang minat Arsenal,tu pun sebab nak lain dari kitorg..hehe..pastu kitorg pegi HARRODS..I just bought Harrods' cookies,a handbag for my mom n a purse for me..kat sane gak i pegi tengok memorial Princess Diana n Dodi..ade cincin yang Dodi belikan untuk Diana..ehmm..
into the magic world...
us at Platform 9 3/4
in front of Emirates Stadium
in front of Harrods...
Memorial of Princess Diana n Dodi...
Then,we went to the Buckingham Palace,took some pics n walked straight to the London Eye..on the way ke London Eye,sempat la bergambar kat Parliament n The Big Ben..BIG BEN..there's a funny story behind it..let it be a secret...pity arshad..haha..lepas tu terus ke London Eye,collect tiket,solat n terus beratur untuk naik London Eye tu..tak lame sangat pun satu pusingan benda tu..tapi kan dari atas,tengok kota London,memang takde pe2 pun..macam umah setinggan aje..takde la cantik sangat..huhu..pastu kitorg berjalan menuju ke Tower Bridge..mase tu weekend,tube ke sane tutup,terpakse la berjalan jauh semata-mata nak tengok Tower Bridge tu..on the way tu,sempat la bergambar kat Millenium Bridge..kitorg hanya amik gamba ngan Tower Bridge dari jauh je,tak menjejakkan kaki kat atas bridge tu pun coz dah tak larat nak jalan..T_T
on the way to Buckingham Palace...
in front of Buckingham Palace...sangat la tak cantikkkk....kepam...
it's BIG BEN...

The Parliament and Big Ben..
it's London Eye...
inside the London Eye
view from the London Eye
us on the Millenium Bridge..
Tower Bridge from far....
after that,sekali lagi kitorg ke Bayswater untuk makan makanan mesia..malam tu i makan nasi ngan sambal petai udang..yummy..lepas tu kitorg ke Piccadily Circus jap,makan donuts kat situ,jalan2 jap n then terus balik hostel n tido..
at Piccadily Circus...
Keesokan harinya,kitorg pegi Buckingham Palace lagi sebab nak tengok CHANGING OF GUARDS BRITISH VERSION pulak..memang sangat tak best..lagu tak kena n kene bersesak-sesak tengok dari luar pagar..hampeh tul..uhh..
peace with sleepy eyes...

Then kitorg pegi ke CHELSEA STADIUM kat STAMFORD BRIDGE..same macam Arsenal,kitorg tak masuk pun stadium..just amik pics kat luar aje..masuk Megastore n as usual mesti tangan ni gatal je untuk abiskan duit..i bought pyjamas for mimi,keychain n i bought pen for Ganesh coz he's the one peminat Chelsea selain dari Arshad n he didn't come with us aritu..he went out with his T-partner,i mean Eugene..hehe..
in front of Chelsea Stadium...
kenapa la signboard tinggi sangat?!!
Chelsea No. 1 Fan?!!! No Way....
After that,we went all the way to The Curry's,tak tau pun nak buat ape kat situ..tapi sempat la shopping jugak..i bought a pair of shoes for me n mimi coz my boots dah teruk,i beli jeans n baju skirt for me too..banyak tul for myself ni..haha..
Then we went to Harrods again coz my friends wanted to buy something from there..sementara tunggu diorg,sempat la masuk ZARA kat depan Harrods tu n sempat la mencapai sweater yang harga 5 pounds je..haha..sempat lagi tu..then we went to the Oxford Street,beli beg besar untuk check-in luggage...we totally forgot about PRIMARK..tu tempat shopping yang murah..but thank God tak pegi sane,kalo tak,i don't know nak sumbat barang kat mane lagi..hehe..that night i met my old friend,Izza..we studied together in MRSMKT dulu..tak dapat jumpe my other friend Sarah,just talked to her through phone je,izza yang call kan untuk i..izza bawak kitorg makan kat Halal Chinese Restaurant..sedap makanan kat situ..yummy..izza ade ajak pegi umah dia tapi tak sempat la..lagi satu memang dah teramat penat..sorry sangat but surely i datang umah u soon..hehe..
with izza..
After that,we went back to the hostel..on the way balik hostel,sempat singgah Tesco beli coklat untuk bawak balik..pas dah bis beli-belah kat Tesco,terus balik hostel..kitorg just stay kat lobby je coz kul 5 pagi dah kena gerak ke airport..so,malam tu just packed barang sambil nangis sebab beg macam tak muat je..ntah pape je..haha..malam tu i tido kejap je..kul 5 pagi gerak pegi Luton Airport..sampai sane check-in n then naik flight pulang ke Ukraine..isk..isk..isk..
bertolak dari Manchester seawal jam 3.55 pagi..before naik bas memang tak tido..n mase on the way kat dalam bas pun tak leh tido coz i ni jenis yang susah nak tido atas kenderaan bergerak sejak dulu lagi..unless kalo memang dah teramat penat..perjalanan mengambil mase lebih kurang 6 jam..transit kat Birmingham sejam n sampai London dalam kul 10 pagi..dari Victoria Station,kitorg ke hostel Smart Russell Square dengan menaiti Tube..sampai hostel,terus rehat n sempat lelap kejap dek kepenatan..basically kitorg tak gi memane pun siang tu,juz rehat je...
Malamnye after sume dah ready,we went to the Malaysian Hall,more precisely Malaysian Hall punyer restoran in Bayswater..sampai sane terus melantak makanan melayu..i ate nasi ngan ikan keli masak cili,sayur goreng,telur asin,sambal belacan sambil menghirup teh ais..walla...sedap hingga menjilat jari..hehe..abis makan,dah dapat energy n ape lagiii..it's SHOPPING TIME..yeah..we went to the souvenir shops kat Bayswater tu,survey2 sikit n mula membeli-belah..hehe..that night i bought sweater for me (as usual),t-shirts for me n my family,keychains,fridge magnets n so on..n malam tu jugak berjaya menghasut ashok menghabiskan duit sekali..see,i've alrealy told u...hehehe...after shopping,we took a tube n went back straight to the hostel n tidooo..PENAATTT..
Keesokan harinya after breakfast,we took a tube n pegi je memane yang sempat..PLATFORM 9 3/4 AT KING'S CROSS STATION..sape2 peminat HARRY POTTER akan tau ape yang berlaku kat tempat ni..from there,we went to ARSENAL STADIUM (THE NEW EMIRATES STADIUM)..tak masuk pun stadium ni,juz amik gamba kat luar je coz tak ramai yang minat Arsenal..haha..pegi kat Megastore Arsenal n i just bought set alat tulis Arsenal for mimi n a keychain for my mom coz she's the only one in my family yang minat Arsenal,tu pun sebab nak lain dari kitorg..hehe..pastu kitorg pegi HARRODS..I just bought Harrods' cookies,a handbag for my mom n a purse for me..kat sane gak i pegi tengok memorial Princess Diana n Dodi..ade cincin yang Dodi belikan untuk Diana..ehmm..
us at Platform 9 3/4
Then,we went to the Buckingham Palace,took some pics n walked straight to the London Eye..on the way ke London Eye,sempat la bergambar kat Parliament n The Big Ben..BIG BEN..there's a funny story behind it..let it be a secret...pity arshad..haha..lepas tu terus ke London Eye,collect tiket,solat n terus beratur untuk naik London Eye tu..tak lame sangat pun satu pusingan benda tu..tapi kan dari atas,tengok kota London,memang takde pe2 pun..macam umah setinggan aje..takde la cantik sangat..huhu..pastu kitorg berjalan menuju ke Tower Bridge..mase tu weekend,tube ke sane tutup,terpakse la berjalan jauh semata-mata nak tengok Tower Bridge tu..on the way tu,sempat la bergambar kat Millenium Bridge..kitorg hanya amik gamba ngan Tower Bridge dari jauh je,tak menjejakkan kaki kat atas bridge tu pun coz dah tak larat nak jalan..T_T

after that,sekali lagi kitorg ke Bayswater untuk makan makanan mesia..malam tu i makan nasi ngan sambal petai udang..yummy..lepas tu kitorg ke Piccadily Circus jap,makan donuts kat situ,jalan2 jap n then terus balik hostel n tido..
Keesokan harinya,kitorg pegi Buckingham Palace lagi sebab nak tengok CHANGING OF GUARDS BRITISH VERSION pulak..memang sangat tak best..lagu tak kena n kene bersesak-sesak tengok dari luar pagar..hampeh tul..uhh..

Then kitorg pegi ke CHELSEA STADIUM kat STAMFORD BRIDGE..same macam Arsenal,kitorg tak masuk pun stadium..just amik pics kat luar aje..masuk Megastore n as usual mesti tangan ni gatal je untuk abiskan duit..i bought pyjamas for mimi,keychain n i bought pen for Ganesh coz he's the one peminat Chelsea selain dari Arshad n he didn't come with us aritu..he went out with his T-partner,i mean Eugene..hehe..
kenapa la signboard tinggi sangat?!!
After that,we went all the way to The Curry's,tak tau pun nak buat ape kat situ..tapi sempat la shopping jugak..i bought a pair of shoes for me n mimi coz my boots dah teruk,i beli jeans n baju skirt for me too..banyak tul for myself ni..haha..
Then we went to Harrods again coz my friends wanted to buy something from there..sementara tunggu diorg,sempat la masuk ZARA kat depan Harrods tu n sempat la mencapai sweater yang harga 5 pounds je..haha..sempat lagi tu..then we went to the Oxford Street,beli beg besar untuk check-in luggage...we totally forgot about PRIMARK..tu tempat shopping yang murah..but thank God tak pegi sane,kalo tak,i don't know nak sumbat barang kat mane lagi..hehe..that night i met my old friend,Izza..we studied together in MRSMKT dulu..tak dapat jumpe my other friend Sarah,just talked to her through phone je,izza yang call kan untuk i..izza bawak kitorg makan kat Halal Chinese Restaurant..sedap makanan kat situ..yummy..izza ade ajak pegi umah dia tapi tak sempat la..lagi satu memang dah teramat penat..sorry sangat but surely i datang umah u soon..hehe..
After that,we went back to the hostel..on the way balik hostel,sempat singgah Tesco beli coklat untuk bawak balik..pas dah bis beli-belah kat Tesco,terus balik hostel..kitorg just stay kat lobby je coz kul 5 pagi dah kena gerak ke airport..so,malam tu just packed barang sambil nangis sebab beg macam tak muat je..ntah pape je..haha..malam tu i tido kejap je..kul 5 pagi gerak pegi Luton Airport..sampai sane check-in n then naik flight pulang ke Ukraine..isk..isk..isk..
For me,UK takde la ape sangat..tak de la secantik cam tempat2 lain yang i dah penah pegi n takde la bersih sangat,tak macam Stockholm..i think UK ni hanya gah pada nama je tapi tempat tak seberapa pun..huhu..but surely i'll comeback so soonnnn..yeayyy..
7 smile at me ^_^:
rasanya London 1985 dan 2009 sama je sebab memang dah maju sejak dulu, tapi bab bangunan kepam dan kusam tu memang ye pun, dulu mama pun komplen London tak cantik, tapi memang teringin nak pegi lagi :)
alamak my buckingham palaca kepam ke??hmm kena tukar palace la plak camni
xtry masuk dinding platform 9 3/4 tu ke?..:P
p/s : aik x abis2 lagi ngan tradisi nangis die..:D
hehe...tak cantik pun still teringin nak pegi ke?!! hehehe...same2..
haah...kepam palace tuh....dah la busuk...
harry potter takde,camner nak masuk dinding tu..hihi..
p/s tradisi nanes memang perlu la...hahaahaha...;p
waa best nyer shopping!!
nk jugak!!!
wah jumpa izza! bestnye! london is great la, ada byk hidden gems in the city :)
canteknye london time mlm...
jom shopping same2...
alamak...akak dah pokai la...
tu la...tak sangka jumpe izza after so long...
don't worry...i'll be back to london so soon...then leh explore lagi...hihihi
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