
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

.:| alhamdulillah |:.

alhamdulillah lepas jugak akhirnya walaupun ade sedikit rase tak puas hati tapi nak buat camner,rezeki takat tu je...lepas ni pun dah kira bersyukur sangat....abis je exam obstetrisc ni bermakna tinggal satu je lagi cycle untuk sem ni iaitu cycle ENT..katenye cycle yang terskhir ni tak susah mane sangat...hope everything will be ok...

uhhh....tak sabarnye nak tunggu 14 januari....kenape yer?!! sebab winter holiday bermula pada tarikh tersebut....tak sabarnye nak gi mane yer?!! biarlah rahsia...hehehehehe....

ok la...pasni nak pegi supermarket METRO time...but actually i have nothing to buy...just nak jalan2 je...lapangkan fikiran after berpulun study....i am happy afterall...

Monday, December 29, 2008

.:| maal hijrah | snow | exam |:.

SALAM MAAL HIJRAH 1430 buat semua umat islam...banyak peristiwa yang berlaku tatkala 1 muharam menjelma seperti kezaliman tentera israel ke atas penduduk palestin, snow di bumi simferopol dan juga exam yang bakal menjelma...uhh..

Rase terkejut dan sedih jugak bila mendengar tentang kekejaman tentera israel ke atas penduduk palestin..terfikir sejenak bila la peperangan yang memakan mase bertahun lamenye ni akan berakhir dan bumi palestin akan kembali aman dan tenteram..semoga tentera israel yang kejam itu dilaknat dan menerima hukuman yang setimpalnya..ehmm..

Actually snow dah turun kat bumi simferopol ni sejak beberapa hari yang lalu tapi takde la tebal mane lagi n sekarang ni kat luar hari2 suhu mencecah di bawah paras beku..seawal pagi tadi on the ke hospital,suhu mencecah -7 celcius..grrr..sejukkk..snow tak turun arini..hanya tinggal saki baki snow je kat luar tu..prediction katenye esok akan turun snow lagi..yeah..I LOVE SNOW VERY MUCH..right now i'm still waiting for the heaviest and the thickest snow so that i can :
- build a CUTE and HANDSOME MR. SNOWMAN :p
- throw SNOWBALLS to each other...ouch :(
- GULING2 on the snow..hehe

pe2 pun,terpakse dilupakan dulu sume tu buat sementara waktu coz esok ade exam n i need to study as much as i can..harap sangat mood examiner ok esok n semua orang pun pass..memang banyak nak kene cover dalam mase yang singkat..i just buat ape yang termampu n yang lain tu berserah padaNya je..pray for me..

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

.:: surgery :: obstetrics ::. surgery exam was ok eventhough it was a bit harder than i expected..our examiner on that day was a good looking guy n we especially the girls were always talking about him n we told to each other "hopefully he will become our teacher next year.."..haha..but a handsome guy didn't mean anything..once we thought everything will be ok when we knew that he was our examiner but everything was vice versa..he started asking us about the topics we didn't study yet n i think he was a bit psycho on that day..uhh..luckily everyone passed..after that,we the girls told to each other "hopefully we won't get him as our teacher next year.."

now i've already started my obstetrics cycle..the 2nd last cycle for this semester..this is the most hectic n the hardest cycle ever..we will have our obstetric exam on tuesday..hopefully everyone will pass the exam...

That's it for now..can't wait for winter holiday..i'm very tired afterall..

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

.:| raye+korban | bisnes | exam |:.

Dah lame tak update coz lately cam busy sikit..How was my hari raya here?! Secara jujurnya,i tak rase cam raya pun..i feel like it was a bit different this more think rasenye sebab tak dapat cuti kot..perasaan nak raya tu cam terkubur ckit bile dapat tau tak dapat cuti walaupun hakikatnye kitorg ponteng beramai-ramai..wink wink..hehe..yeah..that's right..ari isnin ari raye ari ponteng beramai2..haha..

alhamdulillah ade jugak wat korban kat sini..banyak jugak..if i'm not mistaken,4 ekor lembu n 16 ekor kambing...daging korban dibahagikan kepada pelajar2 msia n masyarakat tempatan kat sini..i forgot either to tell my family or to write the entry about this before..hope next year akan dianjurkan lagi program korban ni..ehmm..

Ok..abis citer pasal nak masuk kisah lain pulak..haa..ari ahad baru ni i did some business..yeah..disebabkan ade kelapangan n desakan dari rakan2 terdekat,i pun buatlah bisnes ni..dah lame dah plan tapi baru ni baru dapat direalisasikan..huhu..bisnes ape ek yang i buat?! jeng...jeng...jeng..i buat bisnes eggtart..i jual 1 set (3 biji)..sume sekali i dapat order 86 set..fuh..luckily it wasn't that hard for me but it took about 10 hours to finish it..uhh..i was very happy afterall..siap ade yang bertanye bile nak buat eggtart lagi n i kate next year pulak..hehe..

I'm having a surgery exam this friday..pray for me..

Sunday, December 07, 2008

.:| i feel great |:.

Malam tadi ade potluck party untuk group i..the hosts are ashok n loga..kitorg sengaja pilih bilik diorg sebab...jeng..jeng..jeng..i think let it be a secret..otherwise they will kill me..hehe..

Actually kitorg dah lame plan party ni n sume kene cabut undi untuk task masing2..adil dan saksama gitu..hehe..hasil undian...

1. Sofie - ayam masak merah
(i love this task coz i like this kind of was an easy task for me..hehe..)

2. Ganesh - nasi tomato
(i taught him how to make this main dish..not difficult,right?! Lepas ni boleh la masak nasi tomato lagi yer..hehehe..)

3. Eisa - acar
(credit to me for teaching him..ngeh3..=P)

4. Wani - dalca kambing
(it was a very nice dalca..others said takde bau kambing but my nose could smell it..i think i ain't the kambing eater afterall..uhh..)

5. Arshad - sotong goreng celup tepung
(first time arshad wat sotong goreng celup tepung ni...best2..p/s - len kali bole buat lagi..maybe dah tak geli pasni..=P)

6. Loga - makaroni bakar
(first time he did to wani for teaching him..)

7. Sinthu - fruits cocktail
(she's good at making them..)

8. Shalini - kek coklat
(her first ever chocolate cake n it turned out very nice..)

9. Ashok - lemonade n mcflurry aiskrim
(i think this was one of the easiest task..lucky ashok..ehmm..)

there was no theme n dress code last night n surely everyone was happy with it,right?! n guess what i wore last night?! I pakai skirt kembang kaler hitam n baju kaler putih n merah..kalo tak silap rasenye ni first time i pakai skirt untuk class party,isn't it?! hehe..but i think i dah rosakkan imej si pemakai skirt..ngeh3..mane tak je pakai kain tapi duduk or jalan still gaya si pemakai seluar...tak ayu langsung..haha..
ala2 princess...hehe...
the control macho boys...
eisa,arshad,loga,ashok n ganesh
the hot n spicy girls...
wani,shalini,sofie n sinthu

Last night was very happening..after eating,loga played his guitar n he's really at it..loga mainkan lagu "more than words", "hero", "kau ilhamku" n other sangat..cuma takde unggun api je kat tengah2...

Then we played a game called "police n thief"..pencuri kene kenyitkan sebelah mata untuk bunuh penduduk n polis kene teka sape pencuri tu..kalo pencuri terkenyit kat polis,abis la pencuri was fun..hihi

other than that,we also played a game called "teka tajuk movie"..sorang kene bagi clue tanpa bercakap,means ngan gaya je n yang lain kene teka ape tajuk movie tu...huhu

I really had a good time last night..thanks to my classmates for a great n an enjoyable potluck party...


Saturday, December 06, 2008

.:| what a tiring n sleepy week |:.

When i woke up this morning, i told myself "finally it's weekend..uhh..what a tiring and sleepy week.." yeah..that's right..for the whole week i was very tired and sleepy and i myself didn't know why..maybe it's because of i'm having a surgery cycle..i had an opportunity to enter the OT but i found out it was very tiring and boring to wait the surgery to be successfully done..i can't imagine how the surgeon can stand and do the operation for a long time..uhh..

Tonight i'll have a group potluck party and i need to cook...(let it be a secret..hehe)

Monday, December 01, 2008

.:| craving for... |:.

Alhamdulillah exam endocrine pagi tadi sumenye ok...esok akan bermula cycle baru iaitu cycle SURGERY...hope everything will be ok...

ehmm...sejak dua tiga arini cam teringin nak makan kuih tapi sampai ke hari ni tak tau nak makan kuih ape..dalam kepala ni macam2 resipi ade tapi tiap satu pun cam mengundang kemalasan n tak kene ngan selera la antara list kuih-muih yang ade dalam kepala..

actually dah lame plan nak buat donut tapi tak buat2..plan nak buat donut inti coklat la,plain donut la tapi sampai sekarang tak buat2..uhh..bile pikir balik semalam,i tak jadi buat donut sebab selera tak ke arah donut lagi..

last skali buat apam balik mase bulan pose aritu..teringin gak nak makan tapi cam leceh la pulak sebab nak kene leperkan tepung satu2,then letak gula,kacang n jagung..ponat den nak nunggu sampai abis..

dah lame jugak tak buat cheesecake..last buat mase bulan 10 aritu time besday wani..tak susah nak buatnye tapi bahan lak tak cukup n tetiba cam rase takde selera nak makan cheesecake..

tak susah jugak nak buat tapi cam malas n tak rase nak makan egg tart pun..maybe lagi 2 minggu i akan wat egg tart...

dalam mase 2 minggu ni i dah 2 kali buat kek batik so cam bosan la pulak..ehmm..

Actually ade lagi resepi yang bermain dalam kepala ni tapi cukup la senaraikan 5,i started thinking n thinking n thinking..again n again n again but i still couldn't find the answer..sedih pun ade..

Yesterday when i woke up still mengidam nak makan kuih tapi still taktau nak buat kuih pe..bile dah camtu tengahari tadi i pun kuar la kejap amik angin..pegi yablaka beli barang ckit..ntah pe yang i beli pun tak tau..time balik tu ingat nak pegi mcd nak makan eskrim tapi tak jadi..i singgah kat city fresh n makan sirniki kat situ..balik bilik still mengidam kuih..ehmm..

Guess what?! I ended up by making pau..i buat pau kacang merah n kaya kastard..dua2 inti tu i buat seniri..dalam malas2 pun,jadi rajin,makan la pau arini..tapi actually bukanlah pau yang diidam-idamkan..i am still craving for....??!! any idea?!!