
Saturday, June 30, 2007

.::DeMam F1???!!!::.

seperti biase...arini still duk kat umah je,x kuar gi memane pun...bangun je tido pagi td terus mengadap PC n lps tu mama lak nk guna then bile dah xtau nk wat pe,tetiba teringat arini de qualifying F1 kat,cepat2 la on TV n tgk F1 tu..dpt jugak melepas rindu kat F1..kat ukraine x dpt tgk F1 coz xde TV...juz tgk result kat intenet je...(T_T)...

minat pada F1 ni bermula pada thn 1999..mase tu 1st time F1 dianjurkan kat Msia..pastu ckit demi ckit minat terhadap F1 ni makin mendalam...igt lagi mase season 2001,i x pernah miss pun tgk F1...sume race i tgk...kalo race tu ditayangkan kat TV tgh malam,i akan tunggu@bangunmalam utk tgk F1...hahaha...padahal 2001 i ade eXam PMR..mmg giler arr mase tu...tapi memang puas la dpt tgk 1 season...huhu..pastu bile masuk form 4,i dah jarang tgk coz duk kat asrama...ehmm...tapi lepas je tamat form 5 n pastu duk kat umah je,smbung balik la tgk la..nk lps bile dah pegi ukraine,i dah x dpt tgk F1 coz xde TV...balik cuti summer je la leh lps gian kat F1..tu pun brape sgt la race yg leh tgk.......ehmmm...

i like F1 very much especially mase zaman Michael Schumacher dulu...minat sgt kat Schumi coz die sgt bagus n berpengalaman...cara die bawak kete....fulamak...mmg umph..!!! tapi yg sedihnye season ni dah xde Schumi coz die dah retired...really miss him driving F1 car...(T_T)..

skrg ni still minat Ferrari walaupun bkn Schumi yg bawak tp penggantinya Kimi Raikkonen leh tahan gak...For me,Kimi is a very talented F1 driver tapi memang sukar utk mencari pengganti sehebat Schumi......v(^o^)v

2moro will be the race n i hope team Ferrari leh menang....yeah..(^_^)

.::How BouT u...FiRenZe?!!::.


arini nk smbung balik pengalaman di itali pada bln Feb 07 baru ni...destinasi kali adalah Florence...Florence @ Firenze adalah capital city of Tuscany,Italy...

7th Feb.... after kitorg abis round n bergambar di Pisa Tower selama 3 jam,kitorg mengambil train ke Florence@Firenze yg mengambil masa lebih kurang 3 jam perjalanan dari Pisa...mase tgh tunggu train,mate ni mmg rase dah x leh bukak coz ngantuk la,on d way ke Pisa mmg x tido langsung...mmg penat jugak,mase tgh tunggu train,sempat la jugak terlelap kat kerusi panjang kat tempat tunggu train tu...huhu...

actually kitorg x merancang pun nk pegi Florence tapi mase kat Aladino Hostel kat Rome,jumpe la tourist dari Sweden..die yg recommend kat kitorg pasal Florence coz b4 die pegi Rome,die singgah Florence,sebab tu la smpai jugak kitorg kat bumi Florence ni...
on d way ke Florence mmg boleh kate sume tido coz penat...i x kira dah,masuk2 je train n lepas duduk mmg x sedar pe dah..terus tertido n terjaga mase nk smpai dah Florence...kitorg smpai dlm kul 5pm n seperti biasa cuaca kat Italy still hujan...pastu kitorg pergi check-in kat Venetto Hotel...

on d way ke hotel ni,rase agak x sedap hati jugak coz orang yg bawak kitorg ni cam nk bawak kitorg ke mane ntah...masing2 berpesan supaya hati2...kitorg jumpe lelaki ni kat train station..die yg offer Venetto Hotel ni kat kitorg,siap tunjuk gamba lagi n harga yg ditawarkan mmg murah dari yg lain...then,jalan punye jalan still x smpai lagi...risau jugak la mase tu..buatnye die tipu...ehmm...akhirnya smpai jugak kitorg ke Venetto Hotel..fuh..lega.... pastu mase nk check-in tetiba dtg la pulak anjing pemilik hotel tu..dah la anjing tu aktif semacam pastu asyik nk menghidu kitorg je n ape lagi...sume pun lari kuar dari hotel tu..hehe..punye la takut terkena anjing tu....huhu..pastu,kitorg naik ke bilik masing2 n berehat jap,mandi n solat coz lps tu kitorg nk kuar round2 bandar Florence ni....

muka2 yg menyorok dari anjing di luar pintu hotel..(^_^)

kitorg kuar dari hostel dlm kul 7.30 malam...mase tgh tunggu sume turun,kitorg duduk la kat lobi n tetiba datang balik si anjing lg,ade la di antara kitorg yg kuar duk kat luar..hahaha...on d way tu,jumpe la kedai 0.99euro...ade la yg masuk ke kedai tu..xde pe sgt yg dijual so,kitorg terus jalan ke tempat yg dituju..time jalan tu tetiba jumpe lak restoran Pakistan...perut mmg dah lapar coz sejak dari Pisa x makan pe2 lagi...memula igt nk makan dulu then baru pegi bandar tp sume kate time blk la baru,kitorg pun terus la berjalan smpai ke tempat yg dituju...lorong2 kat situ sume dipenuhi khemah2 yg menjual souvenir cam t-shirt,key-chain, poskad n lain2 lagi...itak beli pe2 pun juz tgk2 je...

lepas sume dah xde ape nk beli,nk amik la gamba satu group...mase nk amik gamba tu,tetiba Muiz perasan sorang xde...ya Allah..skali lagi..kali ni giliran Khalilah pulak....xtau la bile die hilang coz malam tu hujan n sume pun memang berlari cari tempat berteduh...mmg panik jugak la coz khalilah ni jenis yg blur2 n badan lak kecik.......pastu kitorg bahagi 3 group (1st-asrol,chep,anna n i; 2nd-wani,arshad n iqbal; 3rd-fifi,pepo,azza n muiz) utk cari khalilah..cari punye cari still x jumpe...pastu my group patah la balik ke tempat berkumpul...pastu nk dijadikan citer kitorg smpai je kat main junction yg tempat kitorg janji nk jumpe tu,tetiba keluar la si khalilah ni dari salah satu simpang empat tu...ya Allah...lega tul time tu..pastu yg peliknye junction yg khalilah keluar tu mmg de antara group kitorg yg masuk simpang tu utk cari khalilah,camne diorg leh x jumpe lak...memang pelik...mase tu kitorg je yg baru balik n group lain still mencari lagi..x lame lepas tu sume dah balik n sume orang pegi dapatkan khalilah........kitorg tanye la khalilah die pegi mane then die jawab kitorg tinggalkan die kat kedai 0.99euro tu..sume org cam pelik la coz arshad yg tunggu sume org kuar dari kedai tu b4 teruskan perjalanan n arshad kate mmg die dah pastikan sume org dah n nk pergi ke tempat yg die tetiba kuar tu memang agak mustahil coz bandar florence ni besa n jalan lak byk simpang......ntah la,smpai sekarang still x dapat jawapan....

tapi yg paling best group k.pepo..tgh2 duk mencari khalilah tetiba diorg terjumpe restoran PEPO..n pe lagi diorg sempat la bergambar ngan sign board restoran tu n then smbung balik mencari...ntah pape tul...

pepo bersama restoran "PEPO"

dah jumpe khalilah,kitorg pun decide nk balik ke hotel...on d way,singgah makan kat restoran Pakistan tu......perut pun dah kenyang then terus balik hotel......fuhh......lega...

keesokan paginya...macam biase..budak pompuan yg memang akan siap dulu n budak lagi memang x leh cakap la..asyik terhegeh-hegeh je...mangalahkan pompuan..kitorg lak yg kene ketuk pintu diorg suruh bangun n bersiap.....lepas sume dah bersiap,kitorg pun kuar menuju ke Florence Duomo n Campanile di Giotto (bell tower)
yg sememangnya terkenal di Florence ni..on d way tu,sempat la singgah breakfast di coffee house..kitorg makan donut je....after breakfast,kitorg pun terus berjalan ke tempat yg dituju...smpai sane cam biase la,amik gamba je keje.....hehe...

time breakfast la tempat2 yg sempat kitorg pegi kat Florence...

Florence Duomo....

Cathedral @ Duomo is dedicated to Santa Maria del Fiore n is typical of Italian Gothic architecture...bangunan ni di reka oleh Arnolfo di Cambio (1245-1302) yg merupakan one of the greatest archetect-sculptors pada zaman tu...pembinaan Duomo ni siap pada tahun 1367 n it is fully coverecd with coloured marbles...Inside are several important works of art,offset by the architecture's taut Gothic forms, completely different from medieval buildings north of the Alps...

Campanile di Giotto...

Giotto’s bell tower terletak di Cathedral square bersebelahan dengan Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore (Florence Duomo) n in front of Battistero di San Giovanni (Baptistery of St. John)... this splendid construction attracts the eye and the admiration of every art lover by its design, rich sculptural decorations and the many-coloured marble encrustations...tinggi tower ni adalah 84.7 meter n terbahagi kepada 5 tingkat....

after amik gamba,kitorg juz pegi tgk gerai2 yg menjual souvenir...ade yg beli sweater but cam biase,i x beli pe2 pun....hahaha...

ni antara gerai yg jual souvenir

pastu kitorg pegi makan kat restoran Pakistan tu n terus balik hotel,bersiap2 utk check-out..lps check-out,kitorg terus ke train station utk ke Venice lak.......

to be continued.......

Friday, June 29, 2007

.::WheRe R we GoiN'?!!::.

ehmm...sejak balik dr ukraine,x sempat pegi memane lagi..mama kate tunggu ayah balik baru leh gi dad akan smpai petang esk..that means........ahad dah bole pegi jalan la..huhu...v(^o^)v

1st day kat Jordan mmg x pegi memane pun..juz pegi "shopping corner" ngan mimi je..tu pun,brape jengkal je ngan umah...beli barang ckit then terus blk umah.....ehmm...

2nd day pun camtu gak...belah ptg mama suruh pegi kedai runcit dekat je ngan umah...beli sardin n telur pastu beli ice-cream utk mimi n kwn2...pastu blk duk kat umah je...

3rd day langsung x kuar umah...duk 'congok' dpn com je...mama n izzat tgh maraton tgk amazing race yg i bawak blk dari ukraine...

yesterday baru la dapat kuar jauh,semalam ikut mama pegi Amman Mall coz mama nk beli barang dapur ckit...baru la leh tgk suasana Amman...huhu...sesampai je Amman Mall,kitorg pegi 'theme park' dulu kat tingkat 3...juz bawak mimi main coz dah lame die x main kat situ...there,izzat n i juz main 'table hockey' n i beat him....hehe...teruk jugak izzat kalah semalam...pas bis main,baru la masuk supermarket 'c-town' utk beli barang....pas bis beli barang,memula igt nk mkn ayam Boston kat sane,alih2 mama kate beli bawak balik,kitorg makan kat umah je ayam tu...huhu

this morning,around 8am,mama ajak pegi bundle market kat Abdali lak...mmg teringin nk pegi coz bundle market ni bukak hanya ari jumaat,pagi td pegi 2 org je ngan mama...memula igt nk pegi naik bas...tunggu punya tunggu...satu bas pun x nmpak...teksi yg lalu-lalang brape kali hon dah...tetiba dtg 2 bas n kitorg tahan la...1st bas x pegi la pulak Abdali n 2nd bas baru pegi tp 2nd bas x tunggu kitorg pun,terus pegi camtu,terlepas la bas......pastu cuaca dah panas n mama kate naik teksi je,kitorg pun naik la teksi........smpai Abdali,juz beli baju ckit je n mama mase dah start pening coz cuaca panas terik...dah dapat barang yg dicari,kitorg pun terus balik,skang ni duk kat umah je la...ehmm...

so,esok nk pegi mane lak?!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

.::"Hey PISA....HeRe I CoMe"::.

6 am in the morning(7 Feb)....we took a train from Rome to Pisa....

Goodbye Rome,we'll miss u...(T_T)....

perjalanan ke pisa mengambil masa lebh kurang 4 jam n kitorg mmg xtau nk wat pe la dlm train ade yg amik kesempatan utk tido coz mlm sebelumnya msg2 x cukup la,sume kene bgn kul 4 pagi utk bersiap....

on d way ke Pisa sambil bace Italian newspaper...hihihi

Sesampai je kat Pisa,kitorg simpan barang n terus beli tiket ke Florence lak yg dijadualkan bertolak kul 2.30pm dari Pisa…so,kitorg ade mase lebih kurang 3 jam kat Pisa

Train station Pisa

Dari train station Pisa,kitorg naik bas ke menara Pisa……."hey Pisa,here I come….hehe"….

mase smpai kat menara Pisa tu,tgh2 nk bergambar ramai2,tetiba salah sorang dari kami perasan x cukup sorang budak pompuan – Anna…kitorg punye la gelabah gak pada la,dah la pompuan pastu lak baru 1st time dtg Pisa so,ade la bebudak lelaki yg kuar pegi cari Anna…x lame lps tu,diorg balik semula ke Pisa dgn Anna…

mase amik gamba ni la terpesan Anna tak de

Anna mmg dari pagi mengadu sakit perut coz mlm sebelumnya si Iqbal buat la hot chocolate utk die tp yg paling best, si Iqbal ni bkn guna air panas yg dimasak tp die guna ait panas direct dari paip….so,kirenye si Anna ni keracunan makanan la…so,mase dlm bas,Anna je yg duk kat depan n rasenye mase kitorg turun,die x perasan tp nasib baik la die terperasan yg kitorg dah xde dlm bas x jauh dari menara Pisa so,cepat2 la die suruh pemandu bas tu berenti…Alhamdulillah x jadi pe2 ngan die…..

balik semula ke kisah Pisah Tower…dah jumpe Anna,hati pun dah senang n ape lagi….jadi model gambar utk Pisa Tower la…hehehe…v(^o^)v

yeah...kick it...!!!...(dlm hati "lenguhnye kaki aku...")

lepas tendang,tolak la balik Pisa ke kedudukan asal....hihi

Pembinaan Pisa Tower

The Tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the Cathedral. Pembinaan Pisa Tower dimulakan pada bulan Ogos 1173 n continued for bout 200 years (with 2 long interruptions)….pada awal pembinaannya,menara ni telah di design to be “vertical” tapi menara Pisa mula condong sejak awal pembinaannya lagi…dikatakan kalo menara ni x condong sekalipun,ia tetap menjadi one of the most remarkable bell towers in Europe…disebabkan kecondongan menara Pisa,ianya telah mendapat perhatian ramai sejak 1173 lagi…

During its construction efforts were made to halt the incipient inclination through the use of special construction devices; later columns and other damaged parts were substituted in more than one occasion; today, interventions are being carried out within the sub-soil in order to significantly reduce the inclination and to make sure that Tower will have a long life.

Yg x bestnye mase kat Pisa Tower ni…hujan la pulak…mase tgh nk bergambar,tetiba hujan turun n ape lagi,kitorg sume berlari mencari tempat utk berlindung…hahaha…

berteduh elak kene hujan....

kitorg x naik pun Pisa Tower coz dah pokaiiiii……….tapi xpe,kat luar pun jadi la amik gamba...yg penting dah jejak bumi Pisa ni...hihihi...

Next destination...............FLORENCE....

To Be Continued...........v(^o^)v

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

.::StiLL in RoMe... ::.

it still on 6th Feb.. i'm goin' to tell u bout Roman Forum n The Monument of Victor Emmanuel II...

after we went to the Colosseum,we went to Roman Forum which is situated not far from the Colosseum...we juz walk to go there...

Sejarah Roman Forum

The Roman Forum was the central area around which ancient Rome developed, in which commerce and the administration of justice took place. The communal hearth was also located here. It was built on the site of a past cemetery.

Sequences of remains of paving show that sediment eroded from the surrounding hills was already raising the level of the forum in early Republican times. Originally it had been marshy with the Cloaca Maxima. Its final travertine. ground, which was drained by the Tarquins paving, still visible, dates from the reign of Augustus.
-From Wikipedia-

bangunan2 yg de kat Roman Forum kebanyakannya dah runtuh tapi still banyak tinggalan yg ade...kawasan Roman Forum sgt besar n rasenye dulu masa zaman empayar Rome,mesti tempat ni sgt cantik dgn tiang2 yg besar n ukiran yg sememangnya unik.....

lepas dah bis bergamba kat Roman Forum,kitorg terus ke Monument of Victor Emmanuel II yg terletak tak jauh dari Roman Forum n Colosseum coz ketiga2 tempat ni terletak near to each other...

Sejarah pembinaan Monument of Victor Emmanuel II

Monumen ni dibina sebagai tanda penghormatan kepada Victor Emmanuel,the 1st king of a unified Italy...monumen ni direka oleh Giuseppe Sacconi pada tahun 1895...pembinaan dimulakan secara rasmi pada tahun 1911 n siap pada tahun 1925..

The monument is built of pure white marble and features majestic stairways, tall Corinthian Columns, fountains, a huge equestrian sculpture of Victor Emmanuel and two statues of goddess Victoria riding on quadrigas.

Monument of Victor Emmanuel II ni sememangnya sangat cantik n nmpak cam gagah je...

Fontana di Trevi
,Vatican City,Colosseum,Roman Forum n Monument of Victor Emmanuel II adalah antara tempat2 yg sempat kitorg lawati sepanjang berada di Rome...mmg still byk lagi tempat2 yg menarik tp memandangkan kitorg kesuntukan masa,memadailah dgn melawat tempat2 yg famous ni....hihi...but i hope i'll be in Rome again....

next destination...........PISA...

to be continued...........v(^o^)v....

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


still on the 6th Feb...............

after abis round Vatican City n beli buku pasal Sistine Chapel utk lecturer biochem,kitorg pegi ke Colosseum yg x bestnye aritu hujan la pulak....dah la masing2 x bawak payung so,redah je la hujan....on d way tu,ramai lak mamat Bangla jual kitorg x beli pun...jalan2 dlm hujan best gak n lagipun x lebat sgt pun...kitorg beli kacang n giant donut on d way tu...sedapppppppppp.....

sejarah Colosseum...

The Colosseum or Coliseum, originally the Flavian Amphitheatre, is a giant amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome. Originally capable of seating around 50,000 spectators, it was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles. It was built on a site just east of the Roman Forum, with construction starting between 70 and 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian. The amphitheatre, the largest ever built in the Roman Empire, was completed in 80 AD under Titus, with further modifications being made during Domitian's reign.

The Colosseum remained in use for nearly 500 years with the last recorded games being held there as late as the 6th century — well after the traditional date of the fall of Rome in 476.
-from Wikipedia-

smpai je Colosseum,ape lagi...amik gamba je la...memula ingat nk masuk Colosseum tu tp cam mahal la pulak (15 euro per person) coz mase tu nk kene jimat ckit n lagipun bkn de pe sgt kat dlm,kitorg bergambar kat luar je la..

inside the Colosseum..pic taken from web

to be continued.....v(^o^)v...

.::I've BeeN TaGGed::.

I was tagged by Loveujordan. BY 26th August ( Uncle Idham's birthday ) he's planning to to have 100 bloggers who complete this meme and each meme is worth RM127 and 100 ~ RM10000 which he will donate to this orphanage. Anyone who wishes to support his effort can do so. No need to wait to be tagged.Remember, we need 100 memes by 26th August. Once this tag is done, please leave a comment in his blog to inform him that you have done the tag.

1. A person is only as good as .......

  • he/she makes me smile

2. Friendship is always ......

  • great and so precious

3. To love is to........
  • care about someone

4. Money makes me......

  • happy

5. I miss ......
  • my school life

6. My way of saying I care is by .....

  • doin' something that makes others happy

7. I try to spread love and happiness by......

  • being nice to the others

8. Pick the flowers when.......

  • when they are nice

9. To love someone is to.........

  • feel great bout him n accept him as he is

10. Beauty is.....
  • not the external appearance

11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was......
  • i met my new lovely frenz in the new school

12. When I was twenty one, I remember.......

  • not at the age yet...i'm 20 now

13. I am most happy when .......

  • others make me laugh n care bout me

14. Nothing makes me happier than .......

  • being succeed

15. If I can change one thing, I will change.......

  • it into a good one

16. If smiles were......

  • to make others happy
  • i'll smile as i used to be

17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could........

  • be with the others

18. If you want to .....
  • be happy
....then you have to
  • make others happy too

19. Money is not everything but.......

  • i need money to live...v(^o^)v

20. The most touching moments I have experienced is......

  • my dad went to my school to teach me addmaths,physics n chemistry...(T_T)

21. I smile when........

  • i'm happy

22. When I am happy, I.......

  • smile n sing quietly while walking.......lalalalala

23. If only I don't have to ......
  • study
  • i'll travel around the world throughout the life....hihi

24. The best thing I did yesterday was....

  • i hug my mom at the airport

25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title

  • "smile n peace.....v(^o^)v"

26. One thing I must do before I die is.....

  • to be a good muslimah...(^_^)

27. Doing this meme, I feel like ........

  • i've done something that makes others happy........v(^_^)v

...............peace n smile...............v(^o^)v

Monday, June 25, 2007

.::VaTicaN CiTy::.

kali ni nk sambung balik cite pasal trip ke Romania,Italy n Hungary mase bln FEB 07...baru ni x sempat coz tgh eXam...skang ni dah cuti so,leh smbung citer....hihi...

on 6th Feb...............

lps breakfast,kitorg bertolak ke Vatican City...actually memula kitorg x terfikir pun nk pegi Vatican City tp mase kat U,kitorg de bgtau lecturer biochem yg kitorg nk pegi Italy..pastu die mintak kitorg carikan buku utk die kat Vatican City pasal Sistine Chapel coz die tgh tulis buku pasal Sistine Chapel tu...die hanya nk satu lukisan je...

ape die Sistine Chapel ni?!!

The Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512, is one of the most renowned artworks of the High Renaissance. The ceiling is that of the large Sistine Chapel built within the Vatican by Pope Sixtus IV, begun in 1477 and finished by 1480.
-from Wikipedia-

so,sebab tu la smpai jugak kitorg ke Vatican City...misi mencari tempat Sistine Chapel agak susah jugak la sebenarnye coz muzium die sgt besar...jalan punye jalan x smpai2 lg tempat yg dituju...buku dah dpt dah tp kitorg ingat kalo dpt amik gamba lg,misi diteruskan jugak...akhirnya.......smpai jugak tempat Sistine Chapel yg x bestnye tempat ni rupe2nye cam tempat suci penganut kristian...suasana malap dgn lambang 'cross' yg besa di tgh2 dewan n yg paling frust...x bole amik gamba dlm tempat ni.......(T_T).......mmg nmpak la lukisan yg lecturer nk tu kat atas siling.......duduk melangut je la....ehmmmmmmmmmm........

ni la salah satu lukisan yg lecturer nak yg kat atas siling tu

to be continued....................v(^o^)v

.::I'm HoME::.

i'm so happy....

finally,dpt gak balik umah for 2 months....i smpai Amman kul 3 pg tadi n mama,mimi n izzat amik kat epot...mmg best dpt jumpe family,terubat rindu selame ni...hihi..

semalam bertolak from simferopol kul 7.40pm n smpai istanbul kul 9.30pm...ramai jugak yg balik skali smlm smpai istanbul...on d way ke istanbul,mase tu tinggal dlm 20 minit nk landing,tetiba dgr bunyi cam org gaduh kat tempat duduk belakang...rupe2nye 1 of them mabuk...mmg kecoh jugak la smpai pramugari n pramugara pun terlibat nk leraikan diorg...last skali,de sorang pramugari ni,kire cam hero gak la coz die yg beria nk leraikan diorg,menjerit sakan die smlm marah coz mase tu mmg dah nk landing...pastu kirenye cool blk n right after diorg duduk,kapal terbang landing...............pastu mase nk turun,lame gak la tunggu...memula igt nape la lame sgt,rupe2nye security guard sume dah tunggu kat bawah nk bawak org mabuk tu kuar...xtau la pe jd ngan org mabuk tu coz mase die kuar dari kapal terbang,kitorg dah bergerak ke tempat transit.... my frenz de yg stay kat istanbul 2 ari coz diorg nk jalan2 n de lak my frenz yg direct ke msia after transit 2jam...

then,my flight to Amman septutnye berlepas kul 11.40pm tapi tetiba delay la pulak 30 minit so,tunggu la sorang2..mase tu mmg dah ngantuk dah...tunggu punye tunggu tetiba kate 1 jam la pulak delay....tunggu lagi..............last2 dlm kul 1 pagi jugak baru bertolak dari on d way ke Amman,memula mmg igt nk tido tapi tetiba cam xleh tido la,duduk je la tunggu makanan smpai...hihi...mase tu mmg lapar jugak...finally,dlm kul 3 pagi sampai jugak Amman...Alhamdulillah....


Thursday, June 21, 2007


dah lame tul x mkn,pg td wat la

dah cuti ni mmg xtau nk wat pe...huhu...last monday,lps bis eXam physio,mlm tu i watched korean series "MY GIRL"...x penah tgk lg citer ni walaupun dah lame dah de coz b4 ni mmg x sempat nk tgk...huhu...i mula tgk citer ni dlm kul 11 mlm smpai bis 10, i tido kul 11 pagi keesokan ari nye...huhu...ntah pape je...i slept till 3 pm n that day,my frenz went back to msia n i thought nk antar diorg kat bile bgn tido,cam dah xde mood nk gi epot so,after bgn tido,i sambung tgk blk MY GIRL till the end....hahaha...

so,this morning,i buat la donut coz xtau nk wat pe....hihi

Monday, June 18, 2007

this afternoon i had physio eXam...alhamdulillah lepas jugak akhirnya....huhu...
Finally,dpt jugak bergelar 3rd year student....hihihi...v(^_^)v

2moro, i'm goin' to the airport,nk hantar my classmates balik msia for summer yg jeles ni...huhu..

i thought nk tukar tarikh nk blk awal but since kene bayar smpai usd30,terima kasih je,i'm goin' back this,b4 blk cuti ni,maybe nk gi jln2 dkt2 cni je kot...pegi pantai ke,shopping ke...tgk la nti camner...x decide lg..

i'm very happy after last i can sleep properly coz baru2 ni kan byk eXam...("ye la tu..!!!")...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

.::Happy FaTheR's DaY::.

he is my father
forever n ever

he is very loving father...i dunno how he can be as good as he is...ingat lg dulu mase kecik2,my bro n i were very naughty n i dunno how my dad leh tahan ngan kerenah kekadang tu mmg kene rotan jugak...sape suruh nakal sgt..padan muka...:p

he is very good,kind-hearted n very helpful dad was also my teacher..i learned maths,chemistry,physics from him..he is engineer...i think my dad la yg ajar smpai faham sume...mase form 4 dulu,i duduk asrama then mase tu memang rase cam susah sgt nk la..dulu time duk umah kalo x paham,senang nk tanye...but my dad sanggup dtg sekolah i after blk keje semata2 nk ajar i all the science subjects...dah la my school 2 n half hour from home...mesti yg paling x tahan,when my dad taught me,i used to cry n cry n cry when i didn't understand something but sometimes cam sesaje je nk nangis...i dunno why...(T_T)...but TQ dad for teaching me...without u,i can't be here...

now,here in simferopol,i really miss my dad...when i didn't understand the subjects,i told myself "bestnye kalo ayah de kat cni..."

i know he wanna see us succeed n he even gives his support in whatever we do n wherever we are...

bile dikenang pe yg my dad dah buat utk kitorg sume,mmg x terbalas rase sume jasanya..

TQ so much for being such a wonderful father to us...


.::SuMMeR HoLidAy::.

yeah..that's right....x sabarnye rase nk balik cuti...

my frenz de yg akan blk msia lusa (18/6) n tulat (19/6)...jelesnyeeeeeee.......

i supposed to go back on 24th june but yesterday after pass top anat,suddenly rase cam nk tukar tarikh je....hehhe...i think i'm goin' back on 21st tgk la dulu camne...i ask my frenz to bring my ticket to the travel agent since my frenz sume pun kate nk tukar tiket coz we all mmg patutnye blk 24/6 n now sume nk tukar ke 21/6....hihihihi...

this year,i'm goin' back to Jordan since my family live there...this year kira last la blk cuti kat Jordan coz my mom said that my family will go back to msia for good...sedihnyeeeeerrr...(T_T)

pe2 pun,mmg x sabar la nk blk cuti...x kisah la bile2...24 ke 21 ke...same je..asalkan leh blk...huhu...\(^o^)/

Friday, June 15, 2007


juz knew my top anat's result..alhamdulillah...pass jugak..(^_^)

this morning mase nk pegi department top anat utk wat eXam mmg agak menakutkan la...ok x nti?!...ok x nti?!...sape eXaminer?!....mmg duk pikir tu je la...

mmg on d way mulut duk terkumat-kamit bace doa,moga dipermudahkan utk jawab n moga dilembutkan hati eXaminer la,kat cni eXam die cam main judi coz kite akan cabut variant soalan...kalo luck bagus,dpt la soalan senang...kalo x...(T_T)

eXam TopAnat ni de 3 stages :
  1. objektive (10 Q) = 10 marks
  2. practical skill (2 tasks) = 28 marks
  3. oral (4 Q) = 32 marks
  4. Total = 80 marks
so,for the objective,i can answer almost all d Q...for practical,i knew d answer n my tasks were :
  1. pleural puncture in hydrothorax
  2. Kuznetsov-Pensky's suture for stopping liver haemorrhage
tp disebabkan mayat dah kering n kedudukan mayat terbaring camtu so,dua2 tasks ni xleh perform kat mayat...juz tell the eXaminer the theory,where to make a puncture,how to do suture to stop liver haemorrhage...for the liver,i explained on the black board...huhu...but i dunno eXaminer bg brape marks utk practical...

then for d oral answer,ok jugak coz dpt eXaminer yg x byk songeh n x kerek....huhu...

pastu lps blk dari dept top anat,terasa lapar lak...memula igt nk mkn roti canai tp restoran tu x bukak lg so,pegi mkn kat restoran satu lg..mkn chicken cili....lps gak gian nk mkn ayam...hihihihi..

i'm so happy...but still have 1 more on monday...tonight kene bace physio lak...v(^o^)v

pRaY 4 Me...!!!!

.::ApE MeNu aRi Ni::.


juz thinking bout what am i goin' to eat for dinner...ehmm...

lately duk sibuk eXam...eXam...eXam...nk makan pun x lalu..tul ke?!!! ehmm...musykil...musykil...coz rasenye tension2 study,makan...mane la x tembam...huhu...pasni abis la kene cubit pipi ngan mama...(T_T)...

pe ek nk makan mlm ni?!

dah 2 ari dah duk mkn nasi ngan telur mata kerbau n kicap...nk bile rase nk tmbah sedap lg,goreng ikan bilis best gak mkn camni n selera pun lg bertambah...(^o^)

so, mlm ni adakah....
  • ayam msk merah?!!
    • xde ayam.............(T_T)
  • daging msk kicap?!!!
    • xde daging...........(T_T)
  • sweet sour ikan?!!
    • xde ikan best...juz de ikan perenggas tp tekak dah x terima....(T_T)
  • kari telur?!!!
    • xde bawang so,camner nk tumis........(T_T)
  • sambal ikan bilis?!!
    • ikan bilis sgt ckit...x puas mkn lak nti....(T_T)

so,what's the solution?!!!
  • nampaknye nasi ngan telur mata kerbau n kicap lg la arini.......v(^_^)v

Thursday, June 14, 2007


skrg suasana agak tegang gak la n otak pun rase cam dah tepu coz esok de exam top anat...that's why online jap...huhu

n yg tension nye ramai yg x lepas...huahua..(T_T)..

examiner die cam byk songeh n kerek ckit...ntah pape je...

pe2 pun,harap lps la utk 1st attempt ni...insyaAllah...

gud luck...!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

.::sLeePiNg bEauTy::.

bestnye kalo dpt jd sleeping beauty...tgh2 tido dtg prince charming kat die....hahaha..

ni lak versi sleeping beauty kat ukraine...huhu...

princess "sleeping beauty" - sofie
prince charming - ????

xtau la nape...
lately asyik tido byk je... padahal tgh musim eXam... penat sgt kot... hihihi maybe kene tunggu prince charming dtg kejutkan baru de semangat nk bgn kot... v(^_^)v

.::let's celebrate..::.

i think masih x lewat utk ucapkan
hepi belated besday
с днем рождения"

EISA (2nd June) n AKAK DAYAH (10th June)...

semoga dipanjangkan umur n dimurahkan rezeki...
may Allah always bless u...

Friday, June 08, 2007


arini rase cam x bermaya langsung after struggling for biochem yesterday...but alhamdulillah sume ok..philo arini pun ok..

ptg td de kls russian..mmg rase dah xleh bukak mate...cikgu tanye pun cam xtau nk jawab pe,dah xleh nk fikir dah...hehehe..

pastu mmg plan lps blk russian nk tido tp tetiba lak kawan ajak pegi cek tiket nk blk summer ni so,kuar jugak la...nk blk nyer pasal...juz nk confirmkan tiket je coz aritu cam de prob alhamdulillah sume ok n i'm goin' home this 24th...yeye...yeye...

skrg ni mmg asyik igt nk balik umah je...dah penat nk study tp tetap kene teruskan study gak coz de 3 lg eXam...fuhh...mlm ni nk rehat dulu then esok insyaAllah nk smbung study blk...cayokk..!!!