
Tuesday, March 25, 2008


ari ahad baru ni,kitorg ade usrah kat my hostel kat bilik k.dayah..kebetulan lak kitorg nk sambut besday usrahmates kitorg,anna (17/3) n k.ngah (24/3),kene la sediakan satu kek utk diorg berdua...i made a chocolate cake with akak...

chocolate cake...comey x?!!

besday girls...anna n k.ngah...sibuk je yg tengah2 tuh...ish..ish...ish...

nasi minyak....our main dish..

today after finishing my pediatric's class at 2nd hospital,i went out with shalu n eisa..actually shalu mintak i temankan die pegi withdraw,kitorg pun jalan2 la kat center n kitorg pegi lunch kat restoran kira 1st time i makan kat restoran ni walaupun restoran ni dah lame dibuka...huhu...

on d way to the center...perut tgh lapar nih tp sempat lagi peace...hihi...

terlupa la name makanan ni...ala2 ayam bakar...sedappppppp...

let's eat....yummy....

ptg tadi i pegi jogging ngan k.pepo kat track...fuh...dah lame giler x jogging...mmg hancur my diet plan...uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..........ish...xleh jadi ni...kat track tadi ramai giler budak msia...diorg tgh berlatih utk sukan pelajar msia yg akan diadakan ari sabtu ni...semangat tul diorg ni berlatih...huhu...i x masuk ape2 acara n i juz jadi sukarelawan je utk ari sukan tu...haha

Friday, March 21, 2008

.::eSok wEekENd n BesDay.......::.

malam ni skali lg i tido kat umah k.fifi...huhu...actually kitorg plan nk sambung projek minggu lepas tu tapi kan xtau la jadi ke x coz k.fifi dah masuk,bile dah camtu,rasenye konfem projek terpaksa dibatalkan...huhu...

semalam after 2 minggu x masak tul2,tetiba rase cam nk,i pun masak la nasi goreng n sweet sour ikan n i ajak akak makan skali...tapi kan tgh2 masak tu,tetiba ade satu pinggan kaca jatuh atas kepala ni...sakit giler..benjol kepala ni...sib baik x luka...risau gak...ntah camner leh jatuh ntah dari rak pinggan tu..pelik tul...ehmm...

today after finishing surgery class at 7th hospital,as usual i went to furshet supermarket with all my dah jadi rutin ari jumaat la pulak kitorg satu kelas...haha..i juz beli sabun basuh kain,butter,coklat n susu je...actually i xde pe nk beli pun...juz cuci mata tgk barang2 je...huhu...

haa...sebelum terlupa...esok (22/3/08) besday my sis-in-law yg ke-22...


...semoga dipanjangkan umur n dimurahkan rezeki...
...semoga berbahagia selalu...

tadi b4 prgi umah k.fifi,i buat cheesecake lagi...dah lame tertangguh...xtau la jadi ke x..balik esok baru nk tgk cheesecake tu dalam peti ais...huhu...

malam esk ade majlis sambutan Maulidur Rasul kat surau kat 5th hostel...semoga majlis yg akan diadakan esk mendapat keberkatan-Nya...AMIN..

Saturday, March 15, 2008

.::sEcRet pRojEcT ^_^::.

last nite i had a sleepover at k.fifi's place...actually,we had something to do,our project yg tergendala last week..tapi kan sudah2 nyer,x terlaksana gak projek tu mlm td...haha..when i woke up this morning,k.fifi asked me to have one more night here n she said tonight kitorg kene wat gak projek tu...projek ape la ni kan...hehe...

today,i'm going to Wester Supermarket again...i've nothing to buy but my frenz da ajak so,pegi je la..lagipun xtau nk wat pe pun kat umah ni...huhu...

petang ni kalo x hujan,plan nk pegi jogging ngan k.pepo..da 2 ari x jogging coz hujan...perubahan musim kot...ehmm...

...HaVe a NiCe wEekENd...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

.::ModE MakAn2 iS aCtiVatEd..oh No...::. diet plan hancur...yesterday i ate like crazy with k.pepo,k.fifi,akak n khalilah...oh no...we didn't go out n we juz stayed at home...bile da duk kat umah tanpa buat ape2,memang la mode makan2 ter'activate' secara x sengaja...haha...pastu mula la masing2 meraung coz sume takut berat badan naik...ntah pape tul..hihi...

  • 8.00 am - i had nasi lemak for my breakfast
  • 10.00 am - akak wat cekodok n kitorg makan lagi
  • 1.00 pm - i wat lempeng pisang n kitorg makan cicah ngan coklat...yummy...
  • 3.00 pm - i cooked nasi putih with udang masak lemak n sayur goreng for dinner...i masak awal coz i xde ape nk wat...
  • 5.30 pm - we had our dinner together...
semalam memula ingat nk balik hostel tapi disebabkan arini kelas start lambat so,x jadi la nk balik...huhu...tambah satu malam lagi berkampung kat umah k.fifi ni...hihi...pastu ptg semalam ingat nk jogging tapi k.pepo lak nk kene study coz arini die ade exam,terpakse la cancel plan nk jogging...tapi k.pepo kate arini insyaAllah die akan pegi jogging..yeye...that means my diet plan is activated again...haha...hope menjadi la kali ni...chaiyok...chaiyok...^_^

.::i WisH u....::.

Hep! 22nd BirThDaY

...semoga dipanjangkan umur n dimurahkan rezeki... ...semoga berbahagia selalu...

uhh...x sangka da 22 tahun umur abangku ini...da besa panjang da...yang paling best,x lama lagi dah nk jadi ayah...congrats...rase cam kejap je mase berlalu...huhu...i miss spending time together with him...ingat lagi mase kecik2 dulu,kitorg sgt nakal n tiap kali pun ade je projek yg kitorg wat same2 smpai mama pun x tahan ngan perangai kitorg...haha...

i hope u're happy n semoga menjadi businessman yg berjaya...AMIN...

Monday, March 10, 2008

.::My wEekENd...i LuV iT...::.

today is a holiday here but i don't know what am i going to do for today...huhu...pilihanraya umum kat msia pun dah abis n byk gak keputusan yg mengejutkan....ehmm...i won't bother myself with all these...for me politic is politic but life must goes on...uhh...

for the past 2 days,i slept at k.fifi's house since wani went to Kiev,the capital city of Ukraine...i thoungt i wanted to come along but at the end,i didn't go for,what i've been doing for all these days?!! yeah...eating,baking,lepaking,movies,hanging out with frenz,shopping n jogging...that's all i did so far...

on saturday,i went out with akak,k.fifi,k.pepo,khalilah,azza,muiz n chep for shopping...we went to the new shopping mall which is located 25 minutes from the university by bus...yeah...this shopping mall is the biggest so far in Simferopol...haha...the supermarket there which is called BESTER is juz like Carrefour...there's so many things there...i like it...when we stepped into the mall,we acted like jakun2 people....yeah...can't believe there's a big mall the evening,i played soccer with k.pepo n her frenz...i know how to kick the ball but i ain't that good...i used to play soccer with my younger brother izzat n his frenz when i was in msia...uhh...when was it?!! haha...i think 5 years ago...but i really like soccer very much...but i can't watch any match here since i've no sad...

yesterday,i had usrah at k.fifi's place n the input was so good...after that i went out to the center with k.fifi,akak,k.pepo n khalilah...we went to the optical shop coz akak n khalilah wanted to buy new pairs of contact lens...while we waited,we tried so many the end,k.fifi wanted to buy a new spec...haha...the next place was rinak,a usual place...huhu..k.fifi,k.pepo n khalilah bought rice...i had nothing to buy there...i juz walked the evening,k.pepo n i went to the track for jogging since the weather here is not that cold anymore...yeah...last night,firstly k.pepo wanted to watch a movie with us n i was ok with it n the others too...but at the end,i didn't watch the movie coz i went to bed early...haha...

i really enjoyed the weekend after all...

Saturday, March 08, 2008

.::1st eVeR cHeeSEcaKe...::.

yesterday after finishing my class at the hospital,i went to furshet supermarket to buy some the evening i made a cheesecake...haha...the 1st ever cheesecake that i've made in my life...sedap lak tu...hehe...angkat bakul seniri lak...tapi mmg betul pun sedap...nyum..nyum...

today is a woman's day here...they used to celebrate it on 8th March every year...siap cuti rasmi lagi...huhu...x macam Man's Day yg diorg celebrate pada akhir bln 2...langsung xde cuti...bangganya jadi pompaun kat cni...haha...i think it's not too late to wish a warmth Happy Woman's Day to all women outside there...

Thursday, March 06, 2008

.::SoMetHiNg To RemEMbeR...::.

this morning during pathanatomy's class,we saw an autopsy on corpse for a second time..that corpse was a woman who died yesterday due to chronic heart failure...they took out all the organs from the body for an examination macroscopically n microscopically...the woman also had ascites,hydrothorax up to 200 ml fluid in her pleural cavity,splenomegaly,hepatomegaly n 'nutmeg' liver,emphysema,left ventricular hypertrophy,right ventricular hypertrophy n also enlargement of other organs...the lady also suffered from obesity...ehmm...there are so many fresh corpses at the hospital n i think those corpses are waiting for the autopsy....uhh..

it was such a great experience to see the autopsy...i wish i could see more after this....

Monday, March 03, 2008

.::BeLaNg2 NiTe...::.

last friday,we had makan2 at my place..wani did it...i did nothing for that day..haha...wani cooked nasi minyak with ayam masak merah..wani also made cheese cake,ice cream pie with banana n dadih...

the theme of the night is baju belang2...haha...i gave wani the idea n my classmates scolded me..haha..pity them...unfortunately,i also didn't have any belang2 shirt i borrowed it from wani..haha...

DATE : 29th FEBRUARY 2008



it's me..sofie wif my baju pinjam..hehe...

lepaking wif priya...gonna miss her...

wif bising buddy...hahaha...

my classmates....



malay style..sitting on d floor..haha..pity la sape yg kaki cepat kebas...uhh...

cheese cake....

ice cream pie with banana....

nasi minyak wif ayam masak merah...


Sunday, March 02, 2008

.::NotHiNg To wRitE...NowHeRe To Go...::.

i juz came back from center...i went out wif wani,arshad n eisa...actually we didn't know where we were heading to but since today is weekend,we juz had a walk throughout simferopol...haha...firstly,we went to rinak..there,arshad bought new pants n belt..eisa bought some groceries n wani n i juz had a window shopping...then,we went to optical center coz i wanted to buy a pair of new's been a month now i wore contact lens...then,we entered so many shops n after that,we stopped at Potato House Restaurant for the first time...we juz ate a little...haha...finally we went to the supermarket but actually we didn't have anything to buy there...i juz bought some oranges,sugar n tissue paper...haha...gara2 x nk pulang dgn tgn kosong....

k...since xde pe citer best sgt,i juz nk tulis pasal besday party k.fifi kat restoran marakan minggu lepas....



after solat maghrib,i went to marakan restaurant with day,azza,muizz,chep,izwan n eisa...actually it was a surprise besday party for k.fifi...that's why we went there first..after half an hour,akak brought k.fifi to the restaurant...after an hour,k.dayah hani n anis came to join us to celebrate k.fifi's besday together...i really enjoyed that night..haha...


trio of the night...sofie,fifi n akak...

malu2 kucing lak muizz ni...

chep n eisa....

ape yg dimuncungkan tu azza?!!

hepinye die...bday girl...fifi...

k.dayah hani n anis juz had their meals...

it's me...^_^

konon2 gaya primadona minum air la tu...ngeh3...

model makanan....cewah...haha...

nk balik da bis....


cheese cake made by day...


kotlet pa-marakanski s siram...


taba kebab....