
Friday, May 30, 2008

.::LOVE is.....::.

LOVE is tHe GreAteST tHiNg oN eArtH
iF LOVE caN mAke iT aLL poSsibLe
LOVE caN buiLd aNytHiNg
iF LOVE caN cOMbiNe eVerYthiNg
iF LOVE coNquErs aLL
tHen wHy doEs LOVE mAkEs mY tEaRs FaLL?!!

ape itu cinta?!! from my point of view....
cinta itu buta n menyakitkan...memang best bile bercinta..terasa seperti di sume tu hanya sementara n tipu belaka...bile dah bercinta,masing2 kene bagi komitmen..kadang2 rase cam rimas rase dikongkong pun ade coz setiap kali nk buat sumtin,kene bgtau dulu la...itu la..ini la...kekadang tuh kite rase cam ape yg kite buat tuh tak salah pun tp si dia pulak buat muka....uhhh...padahal bukan kawen lagi...ishh...susah2...dalam bab cinta nih,saat paling kritikal rasenye time bila putus cinta...uhh...mase tu jgn ckp la..mmg down abis..siang mlm nangis...makan pun cam tasteless je...serba-serbi tak kena...nak kuar dari kesedihan tuh memang sgt susah..pe2 pun,kite seniri kena salu pikir positif n kuatkan hati...tapi bila dah dpt kuar dari zone kekecewaan tuh,memang rase bersyukur sgt...rase sgt hepi...tak dpt nk digambarkan perasaan tuh...hanya Allah yg tau...

in my family,dalam bab memilih pasangan ni,my mom penah bgtau sume tuh kitorg yg pilih as long as si dia baik n jage solat sume...mama penah pesan kat kitorg "mama tak nak msk campur dlm bab2 pilih teman hidup ni sbb kamu yg nk hidup dgn dia...if anything happen,kamu tanggung sendiri.." kalo dalam bab cintan-cintun ni,mama salu bagi nasihat n pendapat...mama jenis open orangnye..senang utk bercerita sume benda sejak kitorg kecik lg...mama is my best ever friend n mom i've ever had...thank you mama...

being a heart broken person really gave me good lessons...right now i'm trying to improve myself n i hope i can be a better person for my future partner...insyaAllah...for my future prince charming,i always pray to God so that one day i'll find the right one...AMIN..

being single is better...i can do whatever i want...huhu...pe2 pun,jodoh pertemuan sume dah ditetapkan...hanya masa yg menentukan segalanya...

the criteria for my future prince charming...

p/s : waiting for my prince charming mode....^_^

.::LuCkiLy iT's FridAy...::.

it's friday...luckily i've no class for today...that means it's already weekend for me...huhu...yeah...i luv weekend...

so..nak buat ape ek arini?!! ehmm...still tak tau..have no's ok coz siang masih panjang...byk benda leh buat...huhu...tapi pe2 pun i kene study jugak arini utk exam minggu depan...uhhh...

i'm not feeling well right now coz my family skrg tgh bercuti kat bandung...they left me behind...i'm so sad...nak ikut jugakkkk....a bit jealous ngan izzat n mimi....x aci nih..asyik diorg je dpt pegi jln...ehmm...x saba nk cuti...

k..nothing much to say...nway,pray for me n have a nice weekend...

Thursday, May 29, 2008


~ single...

~ yes...

~ no...

~ yes...

~ of course not...

~ yes...

~ i do wanna kids...

~ min 3 n max 5...

~ probably not...

~ erhmm....dunno...

~ yes...a bit challenging...

~ yes...

~ yes...

~ need to change someone...

~ think so..

~ no...

~ maybe 24 or 25

would you marry any of your ex`s if they ask?
~ absolutely not...


~ dunno...

~ it's too complicated...

~ sitting in front of computer n doing this survey...

~ i don't think so...

~ not yet...huhu

~ yes...i really like it...

~ a bit...

~ no...

~ my family

~ yes...

~ my bantal bucuk...huhu...

~ erghh...ade ke org minat?!!

Honestly, did you answer all these questions honestly?
~ yes..of course...

Monday, May 26, 2008

.::WeDdiNg n BesDAy::.

arini ade exam oral utk pathphysio n alhamdulillah pass...pagi tadi smpai tghari hujan lebat giler kat cni...mase on d way pegi exam tu,memang main redah je...abis basah kuyup satu badan..huhu...

ok...2 ari lepas (24/5/08) was my best friend syada's wedding..sedih jugak la x dapat pegi majlis kawen die...isk..isk..(T_T)....that means sekarang out of 5 of us,2 org dah kawen...pasni giliran sape lak ek?!! is it gonna be me?!! or niss?!! or najwa?!! we'll see....hehe...but i think it isn't gonna be me coz my prince charming still x muncul lagi...hahahaa....

n today is my younger bro Izzat's besday yg ke-14...dah besa panjang dah izzat ni...dah jadi anak bujang...kejap je rase mase beralu...pejam celik pejam celik dah 14 thn umur adikku ini...

tomorrow i have one more exam...laboratory diagnosis for pediatric...minggu ni x busy sgt but next week will be a hectic week for us...bila la nk abis exam ni?!! pray for me...

Thursday, May 22, 2008


a bit tired face is so blurr right now...didn't have enough sleep last night...i watched MU vs Chelsea till 1 o'clock in the morning...the game was so interesting...RED card for Drogba..huhu...i was so sad when Cristiano Ronaldo a.k.a my BF (berangan je lebih...hehe) missed his penalty...n thank God,MU had won the cup once again after 9 years...

ok...i really enjoyed watching the match until midnight even though i had obj for pharmaco in the morning...huhu...alhamdulillah i passed it...i have 1 more exam tomorrow...a bit exhausted...need a rest..but unluckily on Monday i have oral exam for pathphysiology...need to study during the weekend...gosh...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


trying to...

sort of...

a bit..

of course..

missing home?!!
a lot..

need antidepressant?!!
oh...eskrim please...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

.::WeeKeNd yaNg TaK mAcaM wEekEnd::.

finally it's weekend...walaupun tgh musim exam tapi at least dapat la rest kejap...exam hanya akan abis pada 2 julai....still long way to go...utk minggu yg akan dtg ni,i have 3 exams...

monday (19/5) - obj pathphysio
have 544 objective questions to read n out of them,only 30-50 questions will come out...

thursday (22/5) - obj pharmaco
need to read 416 questions but only 50 will come out...

friday (23/5) - obj internal disease
have 95 questions to read but only 15 will come out...

so,for this coming week,i need to remember all the ABC's answers...even though it isn't hard to remember tapi memang akan confuse jugak la nanti coz soalan ade yg lebih kurang same tapi jawapan lain...ehmm...

kat sini memang akan diberi soalan exam n prepare sume soalan tu tapi yg akan kuar hanya beberapa soalan je...contohnye cam exam pathanat baru ni...ade 4 parts...
oral - kitorg diberi 60 soalan oral utk prepare tapi yg kuar hanya 2 soalan je
situational tasks - ade 18 soalan n yg kuar hanya 1 soalan je
slides - ade 16 slides n sume pun cam lebih kurang same je bile tgk bawah microscope tapi yg kene describe time exam hanya 1 slide je
macropreparation - ade 18 macropreparations tapi yg kene describe hanya 1 je...

kat sini style exam die cam ala2 main judi...kite xkan tau soalan ape yg kite akan dapat...walaupun soalan dah diberi utk prepare tapi kalo sume tu depend on rezeki kite time exam...pastu kat cni setiap oral exam ade 3 kali attempt...kalo 1st attempt x lepas,kite kene repeat balik exam tu...agak susah jugak la sebenarnye...kadang2 memang blank depan examiner...pe2 pun,pray for me utk exam yg akan datang nih....

...have a nice weekend...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

.::siSteRhoOd GatHeriNg '08::.

today my foot is quite ok..last night i menangis jugak la mase nk amik wudhu'...mase tu kaki sgt sakit...nak2 mase nk basuh alhamdulillah arini dah ok...dah x sakit cam semalam...jalan pun ok tp terhencut2 la...time2 exam ni la mcm2 ujian dtg...sabar je la...

kali ni nk tulis pasal aktiviti seterusnye yg dijalankan kat cni....

DATE : 01 MAY 2008

program sisterhood gathering or program kemuncak usrah ni dianjurkan sempena tamatnye program usrah utk sem ni di samping utk meraikan kakak2 6th year yg bakal graduate Jun ni...insyaAllah...

mase aritu,my group usrah kene buat persembahan kira first kitorg perform kat cni...haha...kitorg nyanyi lagu "Teman Sejati"...malu jugak usrah yg len ade yg buat persembahan dikir barat,berbalas pantun n mendeklamasi sajak...

program kali ni mmg best n harap next year akan bertambah best...

kakak2 6th year yg bakal menjadi doktor x lame lg...insyaAllah...

the sisters...

jom makan...nasi putih ngan daging masak merah n sayur goreng...i juz ate a bit only coz i was full...but it was really nice n tasty...yumm...yumm...

khusyuknye diorg makan...

tangan sapekah itu?!! my hand is not there....

Monday, May 12, 2008

.::FaMiLy Day '08::.

juz came back home...juz now i had again..oh..i luv it...but the bad thing is while i was playing,juz started running actually,my right foot had twisted again in 2 weeks time...same place,same twisting style...n the exams are juz around the corner...ehmm...maybe He wants me to stay at home n study...

today i had an exam for nutrition...i think it should be ok..hope so...ehmm...this week i have 3 exams : nutrition which is already done,pathanat on thursday n internal disease on friday...hope everything will be ok..pray for me so that my foot will be ok as soon as possible n i can pass my exams successfully...AMIN

before ni i penah bagitau sepanjang i tak update blog sebab kemalasan utk menaip melanda,byk aktiviti yg dijalankan kat cni...n i really enjoyed every single events...huhu...

DATE : 26TH APRIL 2008

program ni dianjurkan oleh biro sukan...kali ni xde acara yg berat2..sume permainan tradisional je...sume student melayu dibahagikan mengikut rumah seperti Hang Tuah (merah), Hang Jebat (Biru), Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir n Hang Lekiu...x igt yg lg 3 tu rumah kaler ape...samada oren,hijau or ungu...

acara yg dipertandingkan pun best2...

utk budak laki :
tuju selipar

anak ayam

teka movie

tarik tali

utk budak pompuan :
tuju selipar

lompat getah
teng teng

bola beracun

campur :

treasure hunt
hias pahlawan setiap rumah
: lari 3 kaki,tiup belon smpai pecah,cari gula2 dlm tepung,mkn soya meat perisa ape ntah,minum air halia n pusing helicopter...

on that day,i was in the red team (Hang Tuah) n i msk acara lompat getah...huhu..ingatkan dah xleh lompat,rupe2nye bakat tu still ade lagi walaupun 12 thn dah x lompat...lepas la kepala sume...then i join sukaneka...i msk acara tiup belon smpai pecah...actually,i ni mmg takut tgk belon pecah tp aritu mmg saje gatal nk msk...memula tu x confident gak la tp nk hilangkan fobia tu,kuatkan semangat jugak mom must be proud of me...isn't it?!! hehe...but i think i'm still having that phobia...uhh...

akhirnye...Hang Jebat berjaya menjadi juara keseluruhan n Hang Jebat took the 2nd place...not bad uhhh....

lompat getah

anak ayam

tuju selipar

bola beracun
tarik tali


Sunday, May 11, 2008

.::thE oNe n thE OnLy oNe...::.

...the ONE n the ONLY ONE....
HaPpy MotHeR's dAy
My BeLovEd MoM

...tHaNks fOr eVerYthiNg...
...i LovE u...

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

.::nAk bALik uMah....::.

dah lame x update blog...bukan ape...kemalasan nk menaip....huhu....sepanjang tak update blog,memang banyak aktiviti yg dijalankan kat cni...nanti2 akan diupdate dalam blog ni....hehe

smlm baru dapat berita pasal tiket balik msia...unfortunately seat x available la pulak...uwaaa...nak balik msia...rindu kat roti gardenia....uwaaaaaaaa.....

pasni ade trial utk krok...esk ade objektif utk pathanat..tensi2...musim exam dah bermula...kalo tensi2 ni memang memerlukan khidmat antidepressant...semestinya eskrim kat McD...haha...

pe2 pun,pray for me supaya dapat tiket utk balik msia...dah 3 thn x blk ni...memang x tertahan rindu kat roti gardenia...yummy...