
Monday, May 12, 2008

.::FaMiLy Day '08::.

juz came back home...juz now i had again..oh..i luv it...but the bad thing is while i was playing,juz started running actually,my right foot had twisted again in 2 weeks time...same place,same twisting style...n the exams are juz around the corner...ehmm...maybe He wants me to stay at home n study...

today i had an exam for nutrition...i think it should be ok..hope so...ehmm...this week i have 3 exams : nutrition which is already done,pathanat on thursday n internal disease on friday...hope everything will be ok..pray for me so that my foot will be ok as soon as possible n i can pass my exams successfully...AMIN

before ni i penah bagitau sepanjang i tak update blog sebab kemalasan utk menaip melanda,byk aktiviti yg dijalankan kat cni...n i really enjoyed every single events...huhu...

DATE : 26TH APRIL 2008

program ni dianjurkan oleh biro sukan...kali ni xde acara yg berat2..sume permainan tradisional je...sume student melayu dibahagikan mengikut rumah seperti Hang Tuah (merah), Hang Jebat (Biru), Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir n Hang Lekiu...x igt yg lg 3 tu rumah kaler ape...samada oren,hijau or ungu...

acara yg dipertandingkan pun best2...

utk budak laki :
tuju selipar

anak ayam

teka movie

tarik tali

utk budak pompuan :
tuju selipar

lompat getah
teng teng

bola beracun

campur :

treasure hunt
hias pahlawan setiap rumah
: lari 3 kaki,tiup belon smpai pecah,cari gula2 dlm tepung,mkn soya meat perisa ape ntah,minum air halia n pusing helicopter...

on that day,i was in the red team (Hang Tuah) n i msk acara lompat getah...huhu..ingatkan dah xleh lompat,rupe2nye bakat tu still ade lagi walaupun 12 thn dah x lompat...lepas la kepala sume...then i join sukaneka...i msk acara tiup belon smpai pecah...actually,i ni mmg takut tgk belon pecah tp aritu mmg saje gatal nk msk...memula tu x confident gak la tp nk hilangkan fobia tu,kuatkan semangat jugak mom must be proud of me...isn't it?!! hehe...but i think i'm still having that phobia...uhh...

akhirnye...Hang Jebat berjaya menjadi juara keseluruhan n Hang Jebat took the 2nd place...not bad uhhh....

lompat getah

anak ayam

tuju selipar

bola beracun
tarik tali


2 smile at me ^_^:

silversarina said...

cewah, dah berani tiup belon dah..nanti bolehlah tiup belon buat hiasan masa kenduri...hehehe.

SoFie NuR said...


eh...xleh2...kalo nk jugak,upahnye mesti fear factor gak ni...hehehehe...