
Friday, June 15, 2007


juz knew my top anat's result..alhamdulillah...pass jugak..(^_^)

this morning mase nk pegi department top anat utk wat eXam mmg agak menakutkan la...ok x nti?!...ok x nti?!...sape eXaminer?!....mmg duk pikir tu je la...

mmg on d way mulut duk terkumat-kamit bace doa,moga dipermudahkan utk jawab n moga dilembutkan hati eXaminer la,kat cni eXam die cam main judi coz kite akan cabut variant soalan...kalo luck bagus,dpt la soalan senang...kalo x...(T_T)

eXam TopAnat ni de 3 stages :
  1. objektive (10 Q) = 10 marks
  2. practical skill (2 tasks) = 28 marks
  3. oral (4 Q) = 32 marks
  4. Total = 80 marks
so,for the objective,i can answer almost all d Q...for practical,i knew d answer n my tasks were :
  1. pleural puncture in hydrothorax
  2. Kuznetsov-Pensky's suture for stopping liver haemorrhage
tp disebabkan mayat dah kering n kedudukan mayat terbaring camtu so,dua2 tasks ni xleh perform kat mayat...juz tell the eXaminer the theory,where to make a puncture,how to do suture to stop liver haemorrhage...for the liver,i explained on the black board...huhu...but i dunno eXaminer bg brape marks utk practical...

then for d oral answer,ok jugak coz dpt eXaminer yg x byk songeh n x kerek....huhu...

pastu lps blk dari dept top anat,terasa lapar lak...memula igt nk mkn roti canai tp restoran tu x bukak lg so,pegi mkn kat restoran satu lg..mkn chicken cili....lps gak gian nk mkn ayam...hihihihi..

i'm so happy...but still have 1 more on monday...tonight kene bace physio lak...v(^o^)v

pRaY 4 Me...!!!!

0 smile at me ^_^: