
Monday, February 23, 2009

6th photo from my 6th folder....

i've been tagged by Hani..

here's the instruction:-
Go to your photos folder in your computer.
Go to the 6th folder of photos.
Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
Put the picture on your blog and describe about it.
Invite six friends to join the challenge.
Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.

here u go....tadaaaaaaaa....

my lil sis Mimi tengah main di taman permainan kat Kem Sungai Besi during her visit to my aunt's happy she was...

now it's my turn to tag anyone i want...^_^

i wanna tag :

1. my sis Maya

2. my cousin Fifi

3. Balqis

4. Kak Sol

5. Kak Nurul Maya

6. Aki

5 smile at me ^_^:

Mardihah said...

wahhh..comelnyer gambar ni...cute...mcm kak dihah...:)

SoFie NuR said...


erk..nape comey cam kak dihah lak..mesti la comey macam kak sofie dia...hehehe

silversarina said...

Laaa punya banyak gambar sofie, kena juga gambar mimi comel tu ...hihihi.

Balqis said...

sapa yang main tag-tag ni ha?
nak kena ni, isk...

SoFie NuR said...


tu la...dalam banyak2 gamba ana,gamba mimi jugak yang terpilih..adehhhh....



saya la yang main tag2 ni...hihihi...jangan marah yer...saya pun kene tag jugak...