
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

.::SnoWy daY..::.

kat cni since jumaat aritu snow...tapi smlm yg plg lebat n giler..

on d way to Furshet supermarket after class on Friday....

in front of Furshet with wani...yeah..can't wait to go inside for shopping...haha..

after lecture at 7th hospital..waiting for bus to go d center to have our breakfast b4 pediatric class at 2nd hospital...hihi

after smpai center from 7th hospital...yeah...

on d way to restaurant in European Street...i dunno why malaysian students called this street as European Street...

peace...on d way to 6th hospital for Pathanat was heavy snow yerterday...


we were already late but still i wanted to take pics...hahaha...

cak....yeah...i like snow very much...

4 smile at me ^_^:

achik said...

wah.. hijaunya blog ni.. chantek!!!
bestnya salji.. tp x tahan sejuk.. ;)

CerminDiri said...

salam kehidupan,

hijau....ada kena mengena dengan pilihanraya ke?...bila tukar..

SoFie NuR said...


hihi...snow mmg best tp kalo sejuk sgt mmg xleh nk main pun...



eh..xde kene mengena la..saje je tukar..lgpun i like green very much...huhu

mommy said...

besnye snow..tahun nie x dapet den tengok snow..uhuk3