
Thursday, September 25, 2008

.::NeW eXperiENce n eXpeRimeNt...::.

this week i've learnt a lot about interesting subject...n thank God i've got a good nice tutor for this subject..he's really good at teaching us n he's nice to his patients...the thing is we study in the policlinic n everyday many patients come to him...n today i watched him doing the cystoscopy to one of his female patient...that lady came to him two days ago n she did complaining that she had hematuria n also a back pain..after she did an x-ray and ultrasound,she was suspected to have a stone in her right ureter...n this cystoscopic procedure is less pain in female than in male...just imagine the big size cystoscope or catheter is inserted to the urinary tract through the small size urethra n while i watched him did those procedures,i myself could feel the pain...ouchhhh....but it was really a good experience i've ever had...

next week during 1st hari raya,i'll have an exam for Urology n that means i've less than a week to prepare for the exam...arghhh...five more days n we'll celebrate hari raya...kuih raya pun tak buat lagi nih...maybe i'll do it by this weekend...sikit2 cukup la kot n this year maybe i tak buat open house...just maybe...mane tau last2 nanti akan buat open house jugak ke seperti tahun2 sebelumnya...hihi...

haa...semalam punye la bosan n i mencuba satu lagi resepi baru...i buat mexican bun...kecik2 n comel2 gitu...hihi...sedapppp...arini ingat nak makan cekodok pisang,teringin la pulak coz dah lame tak makan tapi tak jadi sebab tepung dah abis n malas nak turun bawah pegi beli tepung...esok je la buat cekodok pisang tu...uhhh...

8 smile at me ^_^:

zino said...

batu karang.. aduhhh sakit tu.. selamat ber hari raya di rantau orang.. berapa ramai student malaysia kat sana ya..

silversarina said...


Best dapat belajar 'live' dari doktor dan patients .

Good Luck , kuih tak payahlah buat, baca buku tu.

mamaAsyfa said...

best kan masuk clinical year nih? dpt tgk banyak case. ksol pon seronok tgk 'dak2 kecik csmu' sume bersemangat masuk cycle...hari2 ade jer cerite baru...chomey ajer..ahakz.

p/s - nak mexican bun gakkk..leh? hihi..

Akak said...

Salam Sofie.

Akak ingin mengambil kesempatan nie utk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri & ingin mohon maaf andai ada salah & silap samada yg akak sedari maupun tidak...

faridmw said...

salam.. selamat hari raya aidilfitri.. maaf zahir batin... seronoknya klu pandai masak ni.. rasa nak makn apa pon sng,nak makn masak sendiri ja.... hehehe masak lah dgn senyuman.. ;)

SoFie NuR said...


batu karang memang sakit...

kat cni malay students ade dalam 200++ gak...sume malaysian ade dalm 1000++...



kuih raye mesti kene buat gak...huhu...

SoFie NuR said...


memang best bile dah masuk clinical years...pastu dapat lak cycle mula2 yang best n tak menyusahkan,lagi la ok..hihi

p/s : mexican bun dah abis...punye la lame tunggu ksol anta kat bilik,tu yang try wat seniri tu....



salam aidilfitri..
maaf zahir batin

SoFie NuR said...


hehe...tapi kalo malas memang tak berasap la dapur kira tengah rajin la ni...tu yang ari2 masak...uhhh...